Park Upgrades & Development
The City is committed to maintaining the vitality of its parks and natural areas. This involves upgrading parks in established areas, as well as planning and designing parks for new neighbourhoods.
Park Upgrades
The City’s Park Upgrade Program funds improvements to established neighbourhood parks to address deficiencies and bring parks up to current standards. The following parks are scheduled to be upgraded this year:
Boughton Park (Holiday Park)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Boughton Park is receiving upgrades as part of the City's Green Network Project, funded in part by the Government of Canada's Natural Infrastructure Fund, as well as the Parks Department's Park Upgrade Program. The upgrade work will address deficiencies and bring the park up to current standards, as well as include the installation of a food forest demonstration site, irrigation system improvements and naturalized plantings.
Plans for the park include:
- Food Forest Demonstration Site
- Tree plantings
- Planting beds / pollinator gardens
- Irrigation improvements
- New play structure
- New pathways
- Site furniture
- Educational signage
For more information, view or download the draft design for Boughton Park or visit the Boughton Park Upgrade Engage Page.
Buena Vista Park (Buena Vista)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Buena Vista Park will be undergoing construction in 2024 to bring the park up to current standards. Plans for the park include:
- Upgraded pathways and lights
- Upgraded irrigation, including the lawn bowling area
- Updated site furniture
- Enhanced plantings throughout the park, including trees
For more information, view the proposed plans or visit the Buena Vista Park Upgrade Engage Page.
Forest Grove Linkage (Forest Grove)
Forest Grove Linkage will be undergoing construction to bring the park up to current standards. Plans for the park include:
- Upgraded asphalt pathways
- New irrigation system
- Updated site furniture
- Enhanced plantings throughout the park, including trees and shrubs
For more information, view or download the Forest Grove Linkage Concept Plan.
Forestry Farm Linkage (University Heights Development Area)
Forestry Farm Linkage will be undergoing construction in the 2024 construction season to bring the park up to current standards. Plans for the park include:
- New and upgraded pathway
- New site furniture
- Enhanced plantings throughout the park, including trees and shrubs
- New Culverts
- Irrigation improvements
For more information, view or download the Forestry Farm Linkage Concept Plan.
John Avant Park (Erindale)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
John Avant Park will be undergoing construction in 2024 to bring the park up to current standards. Plans for the park include:
- Upgraded pathways and drainage (started August 2024)
- New irrigation system (started August 2024)
- New site furniture
- Enhanced plantings throughout the park, including trees and shrubs
For more information, view or download the John Avant Park Upgrade Concept Plan.
Kistikan Park (Eastview)
Kistikan Park will be undergoing upgrades to align with the City of Saskatoon Water Conservation Strategy and bring the park up to current City of Saskatoon standards. Plans for the park include:
- Asphalt pathways
- LED pathway lighting
- Site furniture
- Play structure
- Sustainable tree planting
- Sustainable shrub planting
- Irrigation improvements
This project is at a concept stage. Please check back for development updates.
Renderings of the Kistikan Park
North Park Entry
West Park Entry
East Park Entry
Community Node
Play Area
Leif Erickson Park (Westmount)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Leif Erickson Park is receiving upgrades as part of the City's Green Network Project, funded in part by the Government of Canada's Natural Infrastructure Fund. The upgrade work includes the installation of a food forest demonstration site, irrigation system improvements and naturalized plantings.
Plans for the park include:
- Food Forest Demonstration Site
- Tree plantings
- Planting beds / pollinator gardens
- Irrigation improvements
- New pathways
- Site furniture
- Educational signage
For more information, view or download the draft design for Leif Erickson Park or visit the Leif Erickson Park Upgrade Engage Page.
Marriott Park (North Park)
Marriott Park will be undergoing construction to bring the park up to current standards. Plans for the park include:
- Upgraded pathways
- New irrigation system
- Updated site furniture
- New play structure
For more information, view or download the Marriott Park Concept Plan.
Parc Canada (Confederation Park)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Parc Canada will be getting additional park enhancements in the 2024 construction season. Plans for the park include:
- Asphalt pathways connecting the neighborhood park to Meighen Crescent and Shea Crescent
- LED pathway lighting
- Site furniture
- Sustainable tree planting
- Sustainable shrub planting
Renderings of the Parc Canada Natural Infrastructure Fund project
South East perspective
Park Entrance West
Proposed pathway extension
Family out for a walk
Man sitting on bench
For more information, view or download the Parc Canada Park Upgrade Concept Plan.
Parkridge Park (Parkridge)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Upgrade work in Parkridge Park will continue in 2024 to bring the park up to current standards. Plans for the park include:
- A new play structure at the north end of the park (near James L Alexander School) - completed in 2023
- Upgraded pathways, as well as the addition of a new section to create a loop within the park
- New pathway lighting
- Updated site furniture
- Redesigned sports fields to address size, orientation and drainage issues
- New irrigation system
- Enhanced plantings throughout the park, including trees and a rain garden
For more information, view or download the Draft Design for Parkridge Park or visit the Parkridge Park Upgrade Engage Page.
Richard St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Richard St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area will be getting enhancements in the 2024 construction season as part of the Natural Areas Program. Plans include:
- Tree planting: approximately 1,800 new trees and shrubs in 5 planting areas
- Trail construction: upgrades of an existing dirt path to a 3-meter-wide crusher dust trail
- 2 new waste bins
- New swing gate
For more information, view or download the proposed plans, or visit the engage page for more information.
Robert Hunter West Park (River Heights)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Robert Hunter West Park will be undergoing construction in 2024 to bring the park up to current standards. Plans for the park include:
- New and upgraded pathways
- Pathway lighting
- New site furniture
- Bluff maintenance
- Enhanced plantings, including new trees
For more information, view or download the proposed plans or visit the Robert Hunter West Park Upgrade Engage Page.
For information on park and trail upgrades happening throughout the Meewasin Valley, visit the Trail Enhancements and Trail Closures webpages on Meewasin's website.
Play Structure Upgrades
The play structures in the following parks are scheduled to be upgraded:
- Boughton Park
- Kistikan Park
- Marriott Park
- Szumigalski Park
- Lt GG Simmonds Park
- Idylwyld Park
New Park Developments / Park Redevelopments
The following parks are being developed or redeveloped over the next few years:
Linklater Core Park (Aspen Ridge)
The City is currently in the design phase of Linklater Core Park in Aspen Ridge, with construction tentatively scheduled to begin in 2025. For more details on this project, visit Aspen Ridge Core Park Engage Page.
Lions Century Park (Kensington)
The City of Saskatoon is developing Lions Century Park in the Kensington neighborhood. For more details on this project, visit Lions Century Park Engage Page.
Marquis Industrial District Park (Marquis Industrial)
The City of Saskatoon is developing Marquis Industrial District Park in the Marquis Industrial neighborhood. Plans for the park include:
- Sports Fields
- Site Furniture
- Parking Lot Expansion
- Tree Planting
- Sports Field Irrigation System
Renderings of the Marquis Industrial District Park
South West Perspective
East Balldiamond infield
Softball games on
Gravel Parking lot
Rosewood Pocket Park (Rosewood)
The City of Saskatoon is developing Rosewood Pocket Park in the Rosewood neighborhood. For more details on this project, visit Rosewood Pocket Park Engage Page.
Weaver Park Redevelopment (Queen Elizabeth)
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
As part of the Saskatoon Water Flood Control Strategy, Weaver Park is getting a face lift. For more details on this project, visit the Weaver Park Redesign Engage Page.
Park Pathway Preservation
The City has moved to a planned preservation program to preserve and maintain the integrity and functionality of park pathways. Treatments include minor repair, crack sealing, and slurry sealing. Although primarily focused on a planned program, this program also addresses localized failures where maintenance is required. The following park pathways are scheduled to be preserved this year:
- Rik Steernberg Park
- Anita Langford Park
- Al Anderson Park
- Draggins Car Club Park
- Rendall Park
- Hampton Village Square
Recreation Amenity Buildings Project
In 2019, City Council approved funding for additional recreation amenities in Evergreen (Funk Park); Hampton Village (Al Anderson Park); Rosewood (Glen Penner Park); Stonebridge (Alexander MacGillivray Young Park); and Willowgrove (Wallace Park) neighborhoods. This funding includes rink utility connections for Evergreen, Rosewood and Stonebridge community rinks. Depending on the site, additional support amenities could include some combination of washrooms, shade structures, storage and warm-up spaces.
Funding for these items was established through a Community Centre Levy first implemented in 2003 for Hampton Village and Willowgrove neighborhoods; and subsequently implemented for Evergreen, Rosewood and Stonebridge neighborhoods. These funds are collected within each applicable neighborhood based on a rate established per front meter of development within the neighborhood.
These developments follow the goals of the Recreation & Parks Master Plan as well as the WintercityYXE Strategy by providing amenities that support year-round program opportunities.
Willowgrove (Wallace Park)
- Program space
- Storage and mechanical
- Water filling station
- 2 accessible washrooms
- Pathway connections to building