Traffic Studies
Prior to the start of any roadway project, the Transportation Department undertakes traffic studies that help us understand and account for traffic patterns in the area.
2023 Household Travel Survey
The City of Saskatoon has completed the 2023 Household Travel Survey, which will help us understand where people are going and how they get there. The survey collected information on the trips made by each member of a household on a particular day. This information will help inform decisions on future planning for roads, public transit, cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, and other transportation facilities.
Households invited to participate in the survey were randomly selected from across the city. A random selection of transit users and University of Saskatchewan students living in residence and off-campus were also asked to participate to ensure adequate representation of transit users and students' travel patterns.
The survey resulted in a technical report as well as an infographic that highlights key results.
Transportation Infrastructure Priorities
At the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation meeting on March 2, 2020 a report was presented and approved that outlined the prioritization of projects and programs based on seven criteria derived from the Strategic Plan 2018-2021. These criteria include the following:
Strategic Goals | Prioritization Criteria | |
Moving Around |
The transportation network includes an accessible and efficient transit system and a comprehensive network of active transportation to provide more choice to move around the city. |
1. Improved Equity 2. Improves Accessibility |
Traffic flow throughout the city is safe and optimal. |
3. Improves Safety 4. Optimizes Traffic Flow 5. Addresses Network Gaps |
Parking availability is optimized. | 6. Optimizes Parking | |
Sustainable Growth |
Our Plan for Growth is sustainable, through a balanced approach to land use, transportation choices, and efficient servicing. |
7. Facilitates Infill Development |
Other considerations that are used to finalize the prioritized list of projects and programs include:
- Prior commitments;
- Coordinating work with other projects and priorities; and
- Balancing the required work with available resources.
The Saskatoon Transportation Strategy - Infrastructure Plan report, which includes the Prioritized Transportation Projects List, was approved in principle by City Council on June 29, 2020. This list can also be found in the Saskatoon Transportation Master Plan along with a description of each identified project.
Functional Planning Studies
In order of most recent project update.
51st Street and Millar Avenue
The City of Saskatoon is reviewing the intersection of 51st Street East and Millar Avenue to identify a permanent design that addresses safety and operational issues at this intersection. Engagement on this project is currently ongoing, and additional information can be found on the Connecting Millar engage page.
22nd Street West and Confederation Drive
The City of Saskatoon is reviewing the intersection of 22nd Street West and Confederation Drive to identify a permanent design that addresses the safety and operational issues that exist in the eastbound direction.
Multiple improvements are being proposed to address these issues, including:
- Construct an eastbound slotted left-turn lane and an exclusive eastbound right-turn lane at the intersection of 22nd Street West and Confederation Drive.
- Construct a new right-in access to 22nd Street West from Fairlight Crescent and convert the existing access at Fairmont Drive to a right-out access from 22nd Street West.
- Relocate the existing overhead guide sign located between Confederation Drive and Fairmont Drive farther west.
- Construct a third eastbound travel lane with curb and gutter between Diefenbaker Drive and Confederation Drive.
- Realign the pedestrian crosswalk, adjust pedestrian accessible ramps, and correct drainage deficiencies on the southwest corner of the intersection at 22nd Street West and Confederation Drive.
- Install a multi-use pathway on the south side of 22nd Street West between Diefenbaker Drive and Confederation Drive.
A report will be presented to Council in the Fall 2024.
Click here to find out more information
Connecting 2nd Avenue / 3rd Avenue
The City of Saskatoon has reviewed 2nd Avenue / 3rd Avenue between King Street and 33rd Street. The purpose of the project was to design 2nd Avenue / 3rd Avenue to improve safety for people walking, cycling, and driving. On May 29, 2024, City Council approved Option 2A – Widen to the West – Separated Sidewalk, which includes the following features:
- Widening traffic lanes to 3.6 metres
- Widening the west sidewalk to 2.5 metres wide
- Widening the east sidewalk to a 3.0 metre shared-use pathway
- Constructing a cul-de-sac to close 3rd Avenue at 2nd Avenue
- Installation of pedestrian accessible curb ramps
- Installation of pedestrian actuated signals at King Street and at Duke Street
Additional information on this project can be found on the engage page. Construction is anticipated for 2026.
Main Street and Clarence Avenue Intersection Improvements
Following a traffic review on Clarence and Main Street, modifications have been made to improve the safety of the intersection for all road users. Modifications include:
- Right turn only lanes for drivers on Main Street at Clarence Avenue. Drivers on Main Street are now required to turn right at the intersection and are no longer able to drive straight through or turn left onto Clarence Avenue.
- A pedestrian signal on the south side of Clarence Avenue to allow crossings on both the north and south side of the intersection.
- Cyclist push buttons on Main Street to activate the pedestrian signals. Cyclists are still permitted to cross Clarence Avenue or turn left onto Clarence Avenue.
Click here for more information on the changes to the intersection.
Circle Drive West Functional Planning Study
The City of Saskatoon is working with CIMA Canada Inc. to complete a long-term plan for Circle Drive West between Clancy Drive and Laurier Drive.
More information is provided on the project engage page.
North Saskatoon Network Planning Study
The North Saskatoon Network Planning Study will assist with planning transportation network needs on the major roads in the study area. The fundamental question considered in the study is how intersections connecting to the provincial highway system are configured: as grade-separated interchanges or at-grade intersections.
This study involves an update to the North Saskatoon Network Planning Study that was completed in 2019. Since 2019, conceptual design work on the Saskatoon Freeway has been completed requiring an update to the North Saskatoon Network Planning Study to reflect the new information on interchanges, land use, etc.
For more information on the North Saskatoon Network Planning Study please visit the project’s engage page.
Highway 11 / Highway 16 Interchange Functional Planning Study
A functional planning study for the Highway 11 and Highway 16 Interchange was completed to determine what improvements can be made to improve the safety and function of the interchange.
The junction of Highways 11 and 16 in southeast Saskatoon is currently operating as a 1960’s era cloverleaf interchange. Both highways are considered national and provincial primary routes and any future interchange will require a system-level interchange function and need to be flexible for conversion to an urban service-level interchange in the future.
The Stonebridge partial interchange opened in the fall of 2016 and has facilitated additional traffic through the cloverleaf interchange.
Scope of Functional Planning Study
The objectives of the functional planning study were to:
- Improve overall traffic operations at this junction
- Reduce collisions (improve safety)
- Add capacity for critical movements
- Facilitate good interconnections between the two provincial highways
- Minimize environmental impacts
- Minimize right-of-way acquisition and impacts
- Optimize costs and benefits
The study included connecting roads, the interchange, and the nearest upstream and/or downstream interchanges or intersections in the analysis (no significant changes were considered at Preston Avenue, Taylor Street, Boychuk Drive and Vic Boulevard).
Click here for the Functional Planning Study.
Central Avenue and Attridge Drive Study
Central Avenue and Attridge Drive are classified as major arterials and are expected to carry 10,000 to 30,000 vehicles per day. The most recent traffic counts on Attridge Drive showed an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 30,000 vehicles per day. Central Avenue had an ADT of 15,000 vehicles per day.
Regular monitoring and traffic studies have determined the intersection of Central Avenue and Attridge Drive experiences lengthy delays during daily peak hours. Those living in surrounding neighbourhoods use this intersection as access core areas of the city such as downtown. As development in the area continues, traffic pressures are expected to increase.
The development of the North Commuter Parkway will help alleviate some congestion in this area. However, a functional plan was developed to assess the operational needs of the intersection and includes a number of suggested improvements that will promote improved traffic flows. Highlights include:
- No interchange, intersection modifications only
- Construction of a southbound right-turn bay from Central Avenue to Attridge Drive
- Construction of a new westbound lane on Attridge Drive from Central Avenue to the Circle Drive North on-ramp
- Eastbound and westbound left-turns from Attridge Drive onto Central Avenue will operate on signal arrow only (i.e., fully-protected)
- Construction of a second eastbound left-turn bay from Attridge Drive onto Central Avenue, as well as left-turn bay lengthening to provide more storage
- Move the Circle Drive North off-ramp (to Attridge Drive eastbound) to increase the distance from the off-ramp to Central Avenue and address merging and weaving issues
- Change traffic signal timing to reduce delays (pending shifted traffic patterns after opening the Chief Mistawasis Bridge)
Pending funding, most changes may be phased-in. Other changes, such as major modifications to signal operations to reduce delays, have been completed since the opening of the Chief Mistawasis Bridge.
Preston Avenue Corridor
A comprehensive review was conducted to consider future traffic demands along Preston Avenue between 14th Street and Circle Drive. During the consultation and review process, the City was able to identify current and future operations of the roadway and needs and priorities. As a result of this review, the Transportation Department has developed a number of modifications and improvements to the Preston Avenue Corridor.
All the intersections along the Preston Avenue corridor were reviewed and analyzed using current data, including traffic and pedestrian volumes as well as collision statistics and specific recommendations and countermeasures were identified.
Southwest Transportation Study
The Southwest Transportation Study (formerly 11th Street Corridor Study) was initiated to identify concerns and examine opportunities to improve safety and efficiency of motorists, pedestrians and cyclists in the southwest area of the City. The increase in traffic since Circle Drive South opened and the incessant traffic and safety concerns in the neighbourhoods support the need for a comprehensive study of the southwest area of the City.
The study includes a long term plan for the desirable connection between the west sector and the downtown (identified in the West Industrial Concept Plan, approved by City Council on May 20, 2008).
Imagine Idylwyld
The purpose of Imagine Idylwyld is to develop a vision and conceptual plan to improve the function, safety, connectivity and quality of the roadway and public realm along Idylwyld Drive, between 20th Street and 25th Street East.
Idylwyld Drive is, and will continue to be, a major north-south arterial corridor in Saskatoon and a key gateway into the city centre for motorized vehicles. However, its current configuration poses a challenging environment for pedestrians to navigate and divides surrounding neighbourhoods and districts. Improvements to Idylwyld Drive will help link the neighbourhoods and the business districts making it easier for people to get around the city centre and help define the street as a gateway by cultivating a sense of arrival.
The Imagine Idylwyld Corridor Concept Plan report was received for information at the June 11, 2018 Standing Policy Committee on Transportation.
Click here for more information on the Imagine Idylwyld project.