City-Owned Trees
Trees located on public boulevards, centre medians and parks are living assets owned by the City of Saskatoon. The City’s Parks Division protects and preserves over 100,000 City-owned trees as part of Saskatoon's urban forest. Not only do City-owned trees add to our community’s character, they are also valuable to our urban environment by reducing air pollution, filtering nitrates from ground water, lowering air temperatures and increasing property values.
Tree Maintenance & Inspections
Maintenance of City-owned trees located on boulevards, centre medians and in parks is the responsibility of the Urban Forestry Section.
Request a Tree
Homeowners and businesses can request the City plant a tree free of charge in the boulevard(s) adjacent to their property. Requests are filled subject to availability and suitability of the planting site.
Tree Protection Requirements
Whether you are a homeowner wishing to re-landscape or a developer planning to build near a City tree, you need to comply with City regulations.
Tree Diseases & Pests
Learn how to identify and control tree pests and diseases found in Saskatoon.
Tree Care
Proper tree care is critical for the establishment of newly planted trees and beneficial to the health of established trees, especially during drought conditions.