ePermitting now available for sign permits
The City of Saskatoon regulates the use of all forms of signs in Saskatoon for safety and aesthetic reasons. The goal is to ensure that the use and placement of signs does not create a hazard for pedestrians or motorists, that signs are well maintained and that the number of signs does not affect the attractiveness of the city.
Temporary Signs
Temporary signs include all election signs and garage sale signs. For more information on temporary signs in Saskatoon read the Temporary Signs Bylaw (No. 7491).
Garage Sale Signs
Garage and Yard Sale signs may be put up at the beginning of the sale, and must be removed immediately following the sale. Please refer to the Temporary Signs Bylaw (No. 7491), and Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770) for a complete listing of all sign regulations and zoning designations for garage sale signs.
Election Signs
An Election Sign is a temporary sign or poster designed or intended to be displayed in connection with the following:
- Federal election or referendum
- Provincial election, referendum or plebiscite
- Local government election
- A Health Authority election
The Election Sign Guide provides an overview of the regulations on election signage including sign placement, duration and other standards such as size and height. Regulations on election signage are outlined in the Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770), Temporary Sign Bylaw (No. 7491), Poster Bylaw (No. 7565) and The Local Government Election Act, 2015. The purpose of the election sign regulations is to create a reasonable balance between communicating for election purposes, reducing sign clutter, and keeping our streets safe.
Election Signs Around Parks
Election signs are permitted on City right-of-way, which includes the right-of-way portion of land at the entrance and exits to City Parks. Election signs are not permitted within the park. As an example, signs placed next to walking path or near a baseball diamond will be immediately removed and recycled. For more information on right-of-way standards, please see Section 5.1 of the Election Sign Guide.
Sign Permits
The Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770) requires that all wall, roof, canopy, banner, billboard, freestanding and portable signage have a permit. This includes electrified, non-electrified, illuminated, laser projected, animated and rotating types of signs. This applies to all commercial signage and advertising, along with public institutions such as schools and churches. Electrical and construction standards for all permanent signs are contained in the Building Bylaw (No. 9958).
Real estate signs, elections signs and garage sale signs do not require permits. However, there may be restrictions on their placement that are enforced by other agencies.
Applying for a Sign Permit
Application Form
In order to file an application for a Sign Permit, an applicant must:
- Complete the Sign Permit Application Form ePermitting to apply.
Please provide clear contact information on the application form. Once the application has been reviewed, the applicant will be contacted by phone to process the application fee.
- The application fee is:
- $125 for signs located in Sign Groups 1, 2 and 3
- $290 for signs located in Sign Groups 4 and 5
- $800 application fee for Digital Signs
- For a listing of Zoning Districts contained within each Sign Group, see Zoning Bylaw 8770: Appendix A – Sign Regulations or contact Community Standards.
Application Process
- Community Standards Review: The application will be examined by Community Standards to determine if all relevant documents have been submitted. If complete, the application is reviewed for conformance with the Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770) and any other applicable policies and regulations. Community Standards will refer applications to other civic departments and other government agencies where applicable. Once approval from other civic departments and government agencies have been given, the Sign Permit may be issued.
- Sign Permit: Upon issuance of the sign permit, the applicant may proceed with installation of the sign. Community Standards will inspect the sign once the installation is complete to ensure it was installed in accordance with the approved sign application.
- Decision Appeals: Subject to Section 219 of the Planning & Development Act, 2007, an applicant may appeal the decision of the approving authority to the Development Appeals Board.
ePermitting information and help
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How to Track Your Application
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Customer Portal Home Page Guide
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Accessing Receipts
How to Use the Search Function
Report a Sign Violation
If you would like to submit a concern regarding a sign on private or public property, please fill out the online report form.