Pedestrian Safety
In communities worldwide, there is a growing imperative to offer alternatives that enable individuals to walk to various destinations while feeling secure in doing so. Recognizing this need, Saskatoon has prioritized pedestrian safety as one of the city's strategic goals.
As our population expands, it becomes increasingly vital to educate residents about the significance of sharing our roads and pathways responsibly. Whether biking, walking, or using another form of active transportation, adhering to responsible travel behaviors is essential for enhancing safety on our shared roadways, bike lanes, pathways, and sidewalks.
Test your StreetSmarts about traffic safety and look out for each other out there on the road.
What is a pedestrian?
A pedestrian is a person who travels by foot, though people who use wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs and medical scooters as a means of mobility are also considered pedestrians.
Why walk?
Walking has many benefits:
- It's free, safe and easy - and it fits into our daily lives
- It's accessible to all regardless of age, income, location or physical abilities
- It’s a healthy form of transportation, promoting weight management, disease prevention and positive mental health
Stay Safe Crossing Tips
- Be visible - wear reflective clothing and bright colours
- Stay on the sidewalk
- Cross only at designated crosswalks
- Look and look again before stepping into the street
- Be aware of your surroundings – look around you and pay attention
Accessible Pedestrian Signals
Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) are traffic signal devices that assist pedestrians with vision and/or hearing loss safely cross the street. Information is communicated in a non-visual format such as audible and vibro-tactile indications to provide cues at both ends of a crossing.
The City uses two different audible bird sounds: a "cuckoo" for the north/south direction and a "chirp" for the east/west direction. Some intersections also have a voice message indicating which street can be crossed in addition to the standard “chirp” and “cuckoo”.
It is the City’s policy to install APS at all new signalized intersections where there are pedestrian crossings. The City also maintains an ongoing program and funding to retrofit older existing intersections with APS devices and prioritizes the APS installations through collaboration with the vision loss community representatives.
How to use Accessible Pedestrian Signals PDF
How to use Accessible Pedestrian Signals Word Doc

APS can be activated by waving your hand in front of the push-button or by pressing the push-button.
APS Locations
Central Business District
1st Avenue & 19th Street (Touchless)
1st Avenue & 20th Street
1st Avenue & 21st Street
1st Avenue & 22nd Street
1st Avenue & 25th Street
2nd Avenue & 19th Street
2nd Avenue & 20th Street (Touchless)
2nd Avenue & 21st Street (Touchless)
2nd Avenue & 22nd Street (Touchless)
2nd Avenue & 23rd Street (Touchless)
2nd Avenue & 24th Street (Touchless)
2nd Avenue & 25th Street
2nd Avenue & 26th Street
3rd Avenue & 19th Street
3rd Avenue & 20th Street (Touchless)
3rd Avenue & 21st Street (Touchless)
3rd Avenue & 22nd Street (Touchless)
3rd Avenue & 23rd Street (Touchless)
3rd Avenue & 24th Street (Touchless)
3rd Avenue & 25th Street
4th Avenue & 22nd Street
4th Avenue & 23rd Street
4th Avenue & 24th Street (Touchless)
4th Avenue & 25th Street
5th Avenue & 24th Street
5th Avenue & 25th Street
6th Avenue & 25th Street
19th Street & Avenue A (Touchless)
19th Street & Avenue B (Touchless)
19th Street & Avenue C (Touchless)
20th Street & Avenue B (Touchless)
20th Street & Avenue C (Touchless)
20th Street & Avenue D (Touchless)
22nd Street & Pacific Avenue
24th Street & Ontario Avenue (Touchless)
24th Street & Spadina Avenue (Touchless)
25th Street & Ontario Avenue
Idylwyld Drive & 20th Street
Idylwyld Drive & 22nd Street
Idylwyld Drive & 25th Street
Idylwyld Drive & Auditorium Avenue
Spadina Crescent & Queen Street
Spadina Ramp & Spadina Crescent
108th Street & Egbert Avenue
115th Street & Forrest Drive
115th Street & Kenderdine Road (Touchless)
Attridge Drive & Central Avenue
Attridge Drive & Heal Avenue
Attridge Drive & Kenderdine Road
Attridge Drive & Preston Crossing
Attridge Drive & Rever Road
Berini Drive & 115th Street
Central Avenue & 108th Street
Central Avenue & Fedoruk Drive
Central Avenue & Konihowski Road
Kenderdine Road & Rogers Road
Lowe Road & Nelson Road (Touchless)
McOrmond Dr & Brighton Common
McOrmond Drive & Central Avenue
McOrmond Drive & Evergreen Boulevard/Baltzan Boulevard South
McOrmond Drive & Fedoruk Drive/Baltzan Boulevard North
McOrmond Drive & Feheregyhazi Boulevard
McOrmond Drive & Kenaschuk Crescent/Henry Dayday Road
McOrmond Drive & Kerr Road/Stensrud Road
McOrmond Drive & Lowe Road/Range Road 3050
McOrmond Drive & Nelson Road/Addison Road
McOrmond Drive & Range Road 3051
McOrmond Drive & Stensrud Road North
McOrmond Drive & Kenaschuk Crescent/Aspen Ridge Road
Preston Avenue & 108th Street
Preston Avenue & Perimeter Road
Preston Avenue & Research Drive
Preston Avenue North & Circle Drive
33rd Street & Avenue D
33rd Street & Avenue W
33rd Street & Confederation Drive
33rd Street & Northumberland Avenue
33rd Street & Ontario Avenue
33rd Street & Valens Drive
33rd Street & Warman Road
51st Street & Warman Road
Avenue H & 23rd Street
Avenue H & Rusholme Road
Avenue P & 23rd Street
Avenue P & Rusholme Road
Avenue W & Rusholme Road
Circle Drive & Avenue C
Claypool Drive & McClocklin Road
Confederation Dr & Laurier Dr
Confederation Drive & Confederation Mall
Confederation Drive & Massey Drive
Diefenbaker Drive & Centennial Drive
Idylwyld Drive & 32nd Street
Idylwyld Drive & 33rd Street
Idylwyld Drive & 36th Street
Laurier Drive & Confederation Bus Mall
Laurier Drive & Diefenbaker Drive
Lenore Drive & Redberry Road East
Lenore Drive & Russell Road
Marquis Drive & Arthur Rose Avenue
Marquis Drive & Burron Avenue
Marquis Drive & Siemens Avenue
Primrose Drive & Coppermine Crescent East
Primrose Drive & Coppermine Crescent West
Primrose Drive & Lawson Heights Civic Center
Primrose Drive & Lawson Heights Mall
Primrose Drive & Pinehouse Drive
Redberry Road & Reindeer Road (Touchless)
Russell Road & Davies Road
Russell Road & Girgulis Crescent
Wanuskewin Road & Marquis Drive
8th Street & Acadia Drive
8th Street & Boychuk Drive
8th Street & Broadway Avenue
8th Street & Campbell Avenue
8th Street & Centre Mall
8th Street & Clarence Avenue
8th Street & Lansdowne Avenue (Touchless)
8th Street & McPherson Avenue
8th Street & Moss Avenue
Acadia Drive & Harrington Street
Acadia Drive & The Centre Mall
Boychuk Drive & Briarwood Road North
Boychuk Drive & Briarwood Road South/Heritage Crescent
Boychuk Drive & Highway 16
Boychuk Drive & Kingsmere Boulevard
Boychuk Drive & Slimmon Road
Boychuk Drive & Taylor Street
Brighton Gate & Secord Way/Gibson Bend
Broadway Avenue & 10th Street
Broadway Avenue & 11th Street
Broadway Avenue & 12th Street
Broadway Avenue & 9th Street
Broadway Avenue & Main Street
Clarence Avenue & 12th Street
Clarence Avenue & 14th Street
Clarence Avenue & Brand Road
Clarence Avenue & Colony Street
Clarence Avenue & Main Street (Touchless)
Clarence Avenue & Ruth Street
Clarence Avenue & Stonebridge Boulevard/Melville Street
Clarence Avenue & Temperance Street
Clarence Avenue & University Drive
Clarence Avenue & Wilson Crescent
College Drive & Bottomley Avenue
College Drive & Clarence Avenue
College Drive & Cumberland Avenue
College Drive & Munroe Avenue
College Drive & Preston Avenue
College Drive & University Drive
College Drive & Wiggins Avenue
Lorne Avenue & Ruth Street
McKercher Drive & 105th Street
McKercher Drive & Avondale Road
McKercher Drive & Holland Road
McKercher Drive & Parkdale Road
McOrmond Drive & Brighton Gate
McOrmond Drive & College Drive North
McOrmond Drive & College Drive South
Meadows Parkway & Market Drive
Meadows Parkway & Meadows Market
Preston Avenue & 14th Street
Preston Avenue & Adelaide Street
Preston Avenue & Cornish Road/Hunter Road
Preston Avenue & Field House Road
Preston Avenue & Willis Crescent
Stonebridge Boulevard & Cope Lane
Stonebridge Boulevard & Wellman Crescent/Cope Way
Taylor Street & Arlington Avenue
Taylor Street & McKercher Drive
Taylor Street & Preston Avenue
Taylor Street & Rosewood Gate North
Taylor Street & Weyakwin Drive/Heritage Crescent
Wiggins Avenue & Temperance Street
Zimmerman Road & Market Drive
Zimmerman Road & Meadows Parkway
11th Street & Dawes Avenue
19th Street & Avenue H
20th Street & Avenue H
20th Street & Avenue M
20th Street & Avenue P
20th Street & Avenue Q
22nd Street & Avenue F
22nd Street & Avenue J
22nd Street & Avenue M
22nd Street & Avenue R
22nd Street & Avenue V
22nd Street & Avenue W
22nd Street & Diefenbaker Drive
22nd Street & Whitney Avenue
Betts Avenue & Molland Lane
Fairlight Drive & Diefenbaker Drive
Pedestrian Crossing Devices
There are many different types of pedestrian crossing devices including crosswalks, Active Pedestrian Corridors and Pedestrian Actuated Signals. The use of devices must comply with the Pedestrian Crossing Policy.
Unmarked Crosswalks
Most crosswalk locations in the city are unmarked by signs, pavement markings or signals. These crosswalks are an imaginary extension of the sidewalk at an intersection.
Standard Crosswalks
Standard crosswalks have ground-mounted signs and two parallel white lines to indicate the crosswalk location.
Zebra Crosswalks
Zebra crosswalks have ground-mounted signs and wide white bars to indicate the crosswalk location. These bars increase the visibility of the crosswalk location and are used at locations frequently used by children, the elderly or mobility impaired pedestrians.
Decorative Crosswalks
Decorative crosswalks have ground-mounted signs and two parallel white lines to indicate the crosswalk location. Between the two parallel white lines, other colours and patterns may be used. Decorative crosswalks must comply with the Decorative Crosswalk Policy. Eligible organizations must submit an application for decorative crosswalks.
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons have all the features of a zebra crosswalk as well as ground-mounted amber flashing beacons which are activated by a push-button.
Active Pedestrian Corridors
Active Pedestrian Corridors have all the features of a zebra crosswalk as well as overhead amber flashing beacons which are activated by a push-button.
Pedestrian Actuated Signal
Pedestrian Actuated Signals are a traffic signal for the through street traffic. The side street traffic is stop or yield control. The traffic signal is activated by a push-button.
Stopping Prohibitions
The City of Saskatoon has recently passed amendments to The Traffic Bylaw, focusing on stopping regulations at marked pedestrian crossings. These measures include a 15-metre "No Stopping” zone on both approaches to marked pedestrian crossings, along with a 10-metre ”No Stopping” zone after the crossing, unless otherwise indicated by traffic signs.
This measure is intended to prevent parked or stopped vehicles in the parking lane near marked crosswalks, creating clearer lines of sight between pedestrians and drivers, enhancing pedestrian visibility and safety. These stopping prohibitions also align with national guidance for signing near crosswalks.
Stopping prohibition signage will not be installed at every location affected by these new regulations. Some locations already have signage in pace. Drivers should continue to follow these existing signs.