Shelter in Place
During a fire, you should always follow your home escape plan and evacuate immediately. But, if there is an emergency involving severe weather, hazardous air or an outside threat, you may be instructed to stay indoors instead of evacuating. This is known as "shelter-in-place," which means staying inside your current location.
How to shelter in place:
- Go indoors immediately and stay there, ideally in an interior room.
- Close all doors and windows. Turn off furnaces, air conditioners and exhaust systems.
- Tune to your local radio or TV station for information.
- If directed to do so, cover doors, windows and vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
- Choose texting over calling to keep phone lines free. Save 911 for emergencies.
- Stay inside until you are told it is safe to leave.
If you have to stay inside for an extended period, having an Emergency Preparedness Plan and a household emergency kit will be invaluable.