Residential Lot Grading Styles
There are eight different lot grading styles within Saskatoon - four Basic lot grading styles and four Transitional lot grading styles. It is important to grade your property in accordance with the lot grading style specified on your Lot Grading Plan. Information on the various lot grading styles can be found below.
Basic lot grading styles
Basic lot grading styles are the most commonly specified styles on Lot Grading Plans.
The four basic lot grading styles are:
1. Back to Front Drainage (Type A) - The rear property line is the highest elevation on the lot. Surface drainage is directed to side property line swales which are sloped to drain to the front street.
2. Front to Back Drainage (Type C) - The front property line is the highest elevation on the lot. Surface drainage is directed to side property line swales which are sloped to drain to the rear property line.
3. Split Drainage (Type D) - The midpoint is the highest elevation on the lot. Surface drainage is directed to the street and to the rear property line.
4. Walkout Basement (Type E) - The front of the building is the highest elevation on the lot. Surface drainage is directed to the street and to the rear property line.
Transitional lot grading styles
In addition to the four basic lot grading styles, are four transitional lot grading styles. Transitional lot grading styles combine two basic lot grading styles.
The four transitional lot grading styles are:
1. Back to Front/Split Drainage (Type A/D) - One side property line is sloped only to the front street while the other side property line is sloped to both the front street and rear property line.
2. Split/Front to Back Drainage (Type D/C) - One side property line is sloped to both the front street and rear property line while the other side property line is sloped only to the rear property line.
3. Split Drainage/Walkout (Type D/E) - Both side property lines slope to both the front street and rear property line. One side property line provides a significant change in elevation to potentially accommodate a walkout basement.
4. Front to Back/Walkout (Type C/E) - One side property line is sloped only to the rear property line while the other side property line is sloped to both the front street and rear property line with a significant change in elevation to potentially accommodate a walkout basement.