Pavement Marking
Pavement marking equipment needs space to work
When you encounter a painting crew on the road, please stay behind the pilot truck that follows the painting truck. The paint needs a few seconds to dry, and the operator of the truck has a limited field of view and may not see a vehicle or person in their blind spot.
Pavement markings help drivers maintain their proper position on city streets, separate opposite flows of traffic and direct traffic into the proper channels. Once the roads are dry and spring street sweeping is underway, road painting begins.
Pavement marking includes all lane lines, edge lines, centre lines, crosswalks, chevrons, arrows and bike symbols.
Durable pavement markings, which can last between 5 to 7 years, have been used on roadways throughout Saskatoon for a number of years.
- Approximately 600 kilometres of lane, centre and edge lines are painted annually.
- Approximately 1,400 crosswalks are painted annually.
- A typical paint season runs from early April to October (weather permitting).
- Typically, crosswalks on priority streets are painted at night to limit the impact to motorists and improve safety for city crews.