Walkways add to the “walkability” of our neighbourhoods. They serve as routes for pedestrians and active modes to specific destinations within neighbourhoods. When walkways are closed, walking distances can become much farther to specific destination points such as commercial development sites, schools, community centres and bus stops.
The City's Walkway Evaluation and Closure policy shows who is responsible for walkway concerns and how they are handled. Walkways should remain open unless there are safety issues identified by the Saskatoon Police Service.
If you have concerns regarding the infrastructure of a walkway, contact the Transportation Department. Review of complaints may result in the addition of street lights or signage, removal of vegetation or graffiti, or the restriction of vehicle use.
If you concerns regarding the maintenance of a walkway, contact the Roadways, Fleet and Support Department. All walkways are maintained in accordance with the Walkway Maintenance policy which outlines regular maintenance, removal of debris and snow clearing. Primary walkways are those that connect to a park or a trail and include street-to-street connections. All primary walkways are inspected monthly or in response to a complaint or vandalism. Secondary walkways provide access between two or more streets and are inspected every four months or in response to a complaint.
Saskatoon Police Service are the main point of contact for all concerns related to illegal activity. Concerns deemed unmanageable by the police are reviewed for the possibility of closure. A community meeting will take place to discuss the issues before any decisions are made.
Closure Process
The walkway will be considered for closure if:
- At least one adjacent property owner is willing to purchase the land and
- All fees and land costs are paid by the application(s) prior to a public hearing.
- The application fee for each adjacent property owner shall be $2,000.
- The land cost for each adjacent property owner shall be $2,000.
- All costs over and above the application fees and land costs stated above will be paid by the City of Saskatoon except for the cost of utility relocations, which will be the responsibility of the applicants.
Walkway applications must be received in writing and signed by all adjacent property owners indicating reasons for closure.
Walkways serving as part of the storm water management system will not be considered for closure unless suitable arrangements can be made for the adequate provision of this service.
If a walkway meets the guidelines above, but the adjacent property owners are not willing to purchase the lane (at least one property owner per parcel), there will be a three-year waiting period for another application.