Link - News
"Link" proposed Bus Rapid Transit name and brand
“Link” proposed Bus Rapid Transit name and brand
July 10, 2024 - 5:00pm
July 10, 2024 - 5:00 pm
Following extensive planning and careful consideration, City officials have proposed the name “Link” to be used for the branding and marketing of the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. This new bus service will fall under the master brand of Saskatoon Transit, but it will have its own visual identity to reflect the unique service while complementing the master brand.
Research on BRT systems in cities across North America shows early introduction and adoption of a BRT system brand identity is essential to the success of the new transit service. A report will be presented July 17 to the Governance and Priorities Committee of City Council seeking approval for the new Saskatoon Transit BRT brand name and visual identity.
City Administration worked with Entro, a global firm with specialized knowledge in this field, on brand development for the BRT. A comprehensive eight-step process guided the identification of a brand name and visual identity. Steps included a brand and site audit, stakeholder research, visioning, naming, brand development and validation, visual language, and guidelines.
The proposed “Link” brand will refer exclusively to the rapid transit lines (routes) currently identified as the red, green, and blue lines.
Through naming workshops and discussions held with the public and key groups/organizations in Saskatoon, the name was associated with words such as connectivity, welcoming, accessible, reliable, modern and clear/straightforward. Participants also identified that the name embodied concepts of connection, speed and network and was timeless and easy to understand.
If approved by City Council, work on the Link brand, marketing and wayfinding signage will continue over the coming months. This will involve the implementation of a communications and marketing plan aimed to increase community awareness of the new brand name. Communications will be focused on informing the public before there are construction impacts and provide education on the new future transit service.
With the final BRT funding announcement from the Investing in Canada’s Infrastructure Program (ICIP) on June 28, the project can now proceed to the detailed design, procurement and construction phases. The City has retained engineering and consulting firm CIMA+ to complete detailed designs and assist in the tendering and management of construction contracts.
Construction of part of the transit signal priority (TSP) system and the start of construction of 14 of the BRT stations’ concrete platforms is expected to begin this summer. This work will continue with another 30 stations in 2025.
Engagement activities have been ongoing over the last few years on streetscaping design elements, public art components, station design, feeder routes and other project features, and will continue until the system is launched.
Federal and provincial governments partner on infrastructure projects for Saskatchewan
News release
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 28, 2024 — The federal and provincial governments are investing more than $309 million for infrastructure projects across Saskatchewan.
The City of Saskatoon is expanding their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. The two new lines will help Saskatoon Transit support the City's continued growth while making transit a more convenient for all. A fibre optic network will also improve the tracking and reporting of the bus routes making them more efficient.
SaskPower’s Distributed Generation Enablement Project will result in new power lines and enable new generation projects, including wind and solar facilities, helping make low and non-carbon emitting power generation possible in the province.
A new water supply and treatment plant in the Town of Rosthern will include a back-up generator and water reservoir storage to support current drinking water needs while accommodating future growth. The project also includes a new communication system, upgrades to two existing well control buildings, and the demolition of the old water treatment plant.
More details about all the projects can be found in the accompanying backgrounder.
“The federal government is investing in projects that improve the connectivity, resiliency, and health of Saskatchewan communities. Investments like the one made today will support the continued housing growth of areas, making a brighter future for the province while protecting our local waterways and ecosystems.”
The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, PrairiesCan and CanNor, on behalf of the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities
“Improving infrastructure is critical to growing Saskatchewan cities, villages and towns. Our government is committed to improving our communities through investment and partnerships. Projects like the ones announced today are crucial to building and protecting a growing Saskatchewan. These important projects will benefit residents both today and into the future.”
The Honourable Don McMorris, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Government Relations
“As ridership continues to increase, it’s important that we have a system that meets the needs and expectations of users. This announcement for the Red and Blue BRT line, along with last November’s announcement for the Green BRT line, will allow Saskatoon to proceed with the Bus Rapid Transit project, fully funded. With three orders of government working in partnership, we will modernize and enhance our public transit system to move residents and visitors more efficiently and sustainably.”
His Worship Charlie Clark, Mayor of Saskatoon
City of Saskatoon to Benefit From Improved Public Transit and a New Leisure Centre
Released on November 16, 2023
Five infrastructure projects in Saskatoon will increase access to leisure activities, as well as high frequency and reliable transit thanks to the combined investment of more than $151.9 million from the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan, along with the City of Saskatoon. Announced by Jenna Sudds, Federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, on behalf of Sean Fraser, Federal Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Saskatchewan Government Relations Minister Don McMorris and Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark, this project will result in a better connected, healthier city.
Development of Saskatoon's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) will be launched with four different projects. Through today's funding the first of three planned BRT lines will have 16 new stops along approximately 15 kilometres, running between the west and northeast areas of Saskatoon. To provide accessibility and sustainability, approximately 25 low floor, zero-emission buses and 30 diesel buses will replace and upgrade the existing fleet. The BRT system will help Saskatoon Transit accommodate the city's expected growth and will improve reliability and resiliency. The increased capacity will also help to address the current bus shortage.
The City will also receive funding to construct a new leisure centre in the Holmwood Sector. The facility will be fully accessible with proposed features including a pool for lane swimming and leisure activities, a fitness and weight room as well as multipurpose and childminding spaces. The new East Side Leisure Centre will provide nearly 70,000 residents of this east end community with more opportunities to come together, stay active, and make long-lasting memories.
"We are focused on building a brighter, more resilient, and more sustainable future for our children and grandchildren," said Sudds. "That means investing in infrastructure that builds stronger, healthier communities and helps connect residents to work, school and each other. Projects like today's announcement support our shared vision of a greener, better connected Saskatoon. The transit improvements and expansions will improve commuters' experience and comfort, while the new recreation centre will promote active lifestyles. We will continue to invest in projects that help lower emissions and make it easier for Canadians to get to their destinations."
“The Government of Saskatchewan is proud to support these important projects with an investment of nearly $34 million," McMorris said. "Public transit plays a vital role in the flow and function of a large centre like Saskatoon, and residents deserve a reliable bus system to carry them to their destinations. One of those destinations will someday be the new leisure centre, where I’m sure countless memories will be made, and experiences shared. These are investments in Saskatchewan people and the great lives that are built in this province.”
"This transformational investment in infrastructure is crucial to creating a vibrant Saskatoon for our growing population," Clark said. "The Bus Rapid Transit system and related roadway infrastructure improvements will make moving around our city more efficient and reliable for all users. The new East Side Leisure Centre will provide much needed sport, recreational and cultural opportunities. Thank you to our partners in the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan for making these projects possible."
Quick facts:
- The Government of Canada is investing $60,789,075 in these projects. The Government of Saskatchewan is investing $33,986,861 and the City of Saskatoon is contributing $57,196,751.
- Including today's announcement, four infrastructure projects under the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream have been announced in Saskatchewan, with a total federal contribution of more than $44.5 million and a total provincial contribution of more than $20.4 million.
- Including today's announcement, 36 infrastructure projects under the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream have been announced in Saskatchewan, with a total federal contribution of more than $90.6 million and a total provincial contribution of more than $39.7 million.