Growth Plans
Official Community Plan
The Official Community Plan is a bylaw created under the authority of the Planning and Development Act, 2007, that provides a comprehensive policy framework for achieving the community Saskatoon residents collectively envision and desire.
Plan for Growth
Saskatoon will welcome 250,000 people in the next few decades. Our Plan for Growth creates a stronger social, environmental, economic and financial future for all residents. Includes Corridor Planning, Bus Rapid Transit and Brownfield Renewal.
Regional Planning
Regional Planning works with other governments that have land use interests in Saskatoon and on the rural-urban fringe. The section works jointly with the Rural Municipality of Corman Park to manage land use and development in the Saskatoon Planning District. The section is also working to strengthen the City's relationships with First Nations that may be creating or developing a Reserve in or near Saskatoon.
Sector Plans
Sector Plans provide a broad framework for future urban development and include the location and size of future neighbourhoods, employment areas, parks, and significant natural areas.
Neighbourhood Concept Plans
A Neighbourhood Concept Plan (NCP) is a neighborhood-level land use plan that guides the development of a new neighbourhood in Saskatoon.