Ditch Crossings and Culvert Guidelines
Montgomery Place
One of the unique features of the Montgomery Place neighbourhood is the network of ditches that provides drainage, which helps protect yards and property from flooding during heavy rain and snow melt.
For the drainage system to work properly, it is the responsibility of each home owner to keep a clear path for the flow of water along the front of their property. Existing and new driveway crossings must follow the guidelines and standards under a Private Driveway Ditch Crossing Permit.
Apply for a Permit
A Private Driveway Ditch Crossing Permit is required for construction of any driveway or landscaping project in Montgomery Place that crosses over the public right of way, including ditches, sidewalks, curbs, and back lanes (The Private Crossings Bylaw, The Private Crossings Over Ditches Bylaw). The application process can protect you from expensive changes later on.
The Driveway Crossing Information Package includes the standards, specifications, and guidelines for planning your driveway location and design. Once reviewed, you can complete the Permit Application Form to apply for a permit for your proposed crossing. Completed applications can be submitted to stormwater@saskatoon.ca
For driveway crossing applications in other neighbourhoods of the City, please visit the Curb, Sidewalk and Ditch Crossing Permits Webpage for the application form and applicable guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my responsibility as a property owner with a culvert under my driveway?
- Keep ditches clear in between culverts
- Keep culverts clear by removing snow and debris from culvert openings
- Follow City of Saskatoon standards for installing culverts on all new and re-constructed driveways
- Work with neighbours to resolve drainage issues
- Obtain a crossing permit from the City of Saskatoon for installing new driveways
Can I fill in the ditch along my property for landscaping, parking, or a driveway?
No! The ditches are important for collecting and moving rain and snow melt water away from private property and roadways. A crossing (driveway) must include a culvert (large pipe) to keep the water flowing from one ditch to the next.
The Storm Water Management Utility Bylaw protects the surface drainage system in Montgomery Place by preventing property owners from interfering, restricting, or preventing the flow of water through the storm water drainage path in front of their property.
What type of culvert must I use under my new driveway?
The following specifications must be met for new culvert installations:
- Size: 300 mm diameter or larger
- Length: Culverts shall extend out from driveway edge with side slopes at 3H:1V from driveway to culvert bottom or have a vertical wall from driveway edge to culvert bottom. For maximum crossing widths please refer to the private driveway crossing guidelines.
- Material: Corrugated steel, PVC, corrugated poly, or reinforced concrete
- Slope: Minimum grade of 0.5% along the length of the culvert