Neighbourhood Traffic Reviews
Neighbourhood Traffic Review Program is complete. Thank you to everyone who participated!
The Neighbourhood Traffic Review Program began in 2013 to consider the traffic patterns of a neighbourhood holistically, rather than addressing issues, such as speeding, pedestrian safety and short cutting traffic on a less effective case-by-case basis. Each review included community engagement, followed by traffic studies to measure vehicular speeds, traffic volumes and pedestrian usage. The data was analyzed and reviewed to develop recommendations which were presented to residents, businesses and stakeholder groups for review and feedback. This resulted in a recommended traffic plan for the area. Neighbourhood Traffic Reviews were completed for all established neighbourhoods by January 2022.
Implementation of the traffic plans for signs, pavement markings and temporary traffic calming were completed in 2022. Implementation of permanent traffic calming measures, pedestrian safety devices, sidewalks and accessibility ramps will continue as funding is approved through the multi-year business planning and budget process. The implementation status for each Neighbourhood Traffic Review is available here.
Resident concerns, and newly identified speeding and short-cutting concerns in neighbourhoods are now addressed through the Traffic Calming Program. Other concerns regarding the safety and operation of local and collector streets are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Residents can contact the Customer Care Centre or complete a Community Traffic Issue report.
Transportation safety issues on arterial and major collector streets are reviewed through a Community Transportation Review.
Neighbourhood Traffic Reviews (A-Z)
Agriplace / Marquis Industrial Area
College Park / College Park East
Eastview / Nutana Suburban Centre
Gordie Howe Management Area / West Industrial / Southwest Industrial Area
Hudson Bay Industrial / North Industrial
Lakewood Suburban Centre / Rosewood
Lawson Heights / Lawson Heights Suburban Centre
Marquis Industrial Area / Agriplace
North Industrial / Hudson Bay Industrial
Nutana Suburban Centre / Eastview
Rosewood / Lakewood Suburban Centre
Southwest Industrial Area / Gordie Howe Management Area / West Industrial
University Heights Suburban Centre
West Industrial Area / Gordie Howe Management Area / Southwest Industrial