Procurement Policy
The City no longer accepts paper or hard copy vendor submissions and does not conduct in-person Public Tender openings.
The City of Saskatoon is committed to meeting the needs of our stakeholders through open, fair, and transparent procurement processes that afford equal access to all qualified suppliers, and to the maintenance of public trust through adherence to our procurement principles.
The City's Purchasing Policy C02-045, 2018 reflects best practices for public procurement and draws on criteria from federal and provincial procurement rules; it uses ‘best value’ rather than lowest price in the procurement of civic goods and services for the City of Saskatoon.
City of Saskatoon: Purchasing Policy Documents
Procurement at the City: Your How-To Guide for Planning, Protocols & Procedures
Master Templates for Tenders, Request for Proposals & Request for Quotations
Invitation to Tender
Request for Information
Request for Proposals - Best & Final Offer
Request for Proposals - Consecutive Negotiations
Request for Proposals - Contract A
Request for Quotations - High Score
Request for Quotations - Low-Bid
Request for Supplier Qualifications (Prequalification)
Request for Supplier Qualifications (Roster Framework)
Standard Contracts
Compliance with Trade Treaty Obligations
The City's Purchasing Policy is compliant with the following trade treaty obligations:
New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA)
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
With an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and transparency, the City conducted a procurement review in 2018 providing engagement opportunities for external and internal stakeholders to share their feedback and recommendations on the draft purchasing policy, new procurement manual, templates, and standard contracts. An engagement workshop was held to gather feedback on the future inclusion of Social and Indigenous procurement best practices. At the request of City Council, future engagement will be planned to also support the inclusion of environmental best practices for procurement at the City.
Visit for future engagement opportunities.