Toboggan Hills
Tobogganing is a great way to spend a winter day outdoors with family and friends, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.
There are many great hills for tobogganing in Saskatoon. Before you go, please be mindful of the following information and safety tips:
- Toboggan hills are not maintained or supervised by the City
- The City is not responsible for personal injury or damage to personal items
- Digging holes or building ramps on toboggan hills is strongly discouraged
- Wearing a helmet is recommended
- Walk up the sides of the hill to avoid oncoming toboggans
- Ensure the path is clear before sliding
Below is a map containing the 28 tobogganing locations in Saskatoon. If conditions on the larger hills (i.e., Optimist Hill, Pest Hill) become crowded or unsafe, riders are encouraged to explore their community, as most community parks have hills. Happy sledding!