Managing Traffic
Transportation Master Plan
The Transportation Master Plan incorporates various transportation policies and plans for the City to continue to grow while still maintaining a city that is vibrant and attractive to future generations.
Traffic Noise
Monitoring, testing, and evaluation are important tools in the management of traffic noise problems.
Neighbourhood Traffic
The Neighbourhood Traffic Program includes all aspects of the transportation network for local and collector streets, including traffic control (stop and yield signs), pedestrian crossing devices and traffic calming.
Merging Guidelines
When a lane is closed for construction, drivers may be instructed to use a technique called the zipper merge.
Traffic Studies
Prior to the start of any roadway project, the City often undertakes a series of traffic studies to understand and plan for traffic patterns in the area.
Traffic Permits
Apply for numerous traffic-related permits (Right-of-Way Permit, Truck Permit and Curb, Sidewalk and Ditch Crossing Permit).
The use of signs, traffic signals or crosswalks at intersections play a big part of ensuring motorist and pedestrian safety.