Cycling Plans and Projects
Cycling is becoming increasingly popular, both as a recreational activity and as an environmentally-friendly mode of transportation. The City of Saskatoon recognizes that cycling is important to many residents and is working towards making Saskatoon a bicycle-friendly city.
Thanks to a $2.6 million joint investment with the Government of Canada, this project built new facilities for walking and cycling, including new bikeways, sidewalks and shared-use pathways.
Government of Canada investing in local active transportation projects in 2023
A joint investment of more than $2.6 million has supported the construction of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure on Dudley Street between Dawes Avenue and Spadina Crescent in Saskatoon. The project has added one kilometre of multi-use pathway west of Avenue P, 800 metres of neighbourhood bikeway, and approximately one kilometre of sidewalk to connect residential neighbourhoods with employment areas such as the West Industrial Area, recreation spaces, as well as the Meewasin Trail along the South Saskatchewan River.
The City is pleased to announce $200,000 funding from the Government of Canada under the Active Transportation Fund to support four planning and education projects - working towards more places for walking and cycling safely.
Cycling Plans and Priorities
Active Transportation Plan
As part of the Growth Plan to Half a Million, the City of Saskatoon has developed an Active Transportation Plan – a first for our community!
The Active Transportation Plan will improve options for moving around our city, whether it’s by walking, biking, skateboarding or other forms of active transportation. The plan will help shape changes in infrastructure and support programs that will encourage all of us to use active forms of transportation more often – whether for work, pleasure or day-to-day personal travels. Learn more about Active Transportation.
Cycling and Active Transportation Projects
Dudley Street Walking and Cycling Improvements
The pedestrian and cycling infrastructure on Dudley Street between Dawes Avenue and Spadina Crescent in Saskatoon adds walking and cycling facilities to connect residential neighbourhoods with employment areas such as the West Industrial Area, recreation spaces and the Meewasin Trail. The design was approved in principle by City Council on December 21, 2020.
The Dudley Street design features:
- multi-use pathway between Dawes Avenue and Avenue P,
- sidewalk east of Avenue P, and
- on-street bikeway with traffic calming between Avenue P and Saskatchewan Crescent.
The City of Saskatoon received funding in part from the Government of Canada through the Active Transportation Fund to construct the walking and cycling improvements on Dudley Street.
Learn more about the public engagement process at Neighbourhood Bikeways Project.
Connecting Avenue C
Connecting Avenue C is a Walking and Cycling Improvement Project focused on the design of all ages and abilities (AAA) cycling facilities and walking improvements for Avenue C from Spadina Crescent to 45th Street.
The design was approved by City Council on December 20, 2023 and features:
- Neighbourhood bikeway from Spadina Crescent to 19th Street;
- Protected bike lanes from 19th Street to Jamieson Street;
- Neighbourhood bikeway from Jamieson Street to 38th Street; and
- Shared-use pathway from 38th Street to 45th Street.
Visit the Connecting Avenue C public engagement page for more information.
Connecting Downtown
The City of Saskatoon is exploring potential policies and programs that focus on developing a city-wide active transportation network that is safe, comfortable and attractive for people of all ages and abilities. Given its unique users and functions, the Downtown requires focused consideration for the development of its active transportation network.
The Downtown Active Transportation Network Plan will:
- Take into consideration how active transportation facilities connect to Saskatoon’s wider network;
- Determine how to integrate with other key Downtown projects such as the Bus Rapid Transit (Link); and
- Consider the impacts to all users in the Downtown to ensure that the most appropriate streets host active transportation facilities.
STATUS: Planning for Connecting Downtown is currently on hold until public engagement for Bus Rapid Transit (Link) and the Downtown Arena projects are completed. See March 7, 2022 Project Update for more.
Project Update - March 7, 2022
A report outlining the public engagement strategy requested by City Council was presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation on March 7, 2022. The report can be found here. The following motions were carried:
- That the Connecting Downtown - Project Roadmap initiative be delayed, until such time as the City has further developed the extensive planning work related to the downtown entertainment district and Bus Rapid Transit integration; and,
- That the Administration report back further once the planning work related to the downtown entertainment district and Bus Rapid Transit has advanced to a point where the Connecting Downtown – Project Roadmap initiative can be considered in the context of that work.
Project Update - June 7, 2021
A report outlining the next steps for the additional engagement requested by City Council was presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation. The report can be found here.
Project Update - April 29, 2019
Following more than three years of technical work and public engagement, City Council received reports with recommendations on possible routes for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the Downtown Active Transportation (AT) Network.
At their meeting on April 29, 2019, City Council resolved:
- That the existing protected bike lanes on 4th Avenue be removed by June 30, 2019;
- That Option 1 (3rd Avenue, 23rd Street and 19th Street) be endorsed as the future active transportation network in the Downtown, but that implementation decisions (including capital or detailed design expenses) be deferred until the administration has completed engagement based on the following criteria:
- That the active transportation network be designed for all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and those with accessibility needs.
- That design and configuration options for the network should be drawn from collaborative engagement with all affected stakeholders (including Downtown Saskatoon), and that these options be focused on enhancing the public realm for all users.
- That engagement include outstanding concerns, including parking, design standards, streetscaping and construction.
- In 2021 after engagement, that Administration report back with opportunities to reduce costs by completing active transportation work in conjunction with future streetscaping improvements; and,
- That the report and resolution be forwarded to the Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee for information.
The full report and attachments can be found here.
Downtown Active Transportation Network Summary Report and Recommendations - April 2019
Project Update - October 15, 2018
A report was presented to City Council for information at the Governance and Priorities Committee on October 15, 2018. This report addressed a number of the items requested at the June 20, 2018 Governance and Priorities Committee. A copy of the report can be found here.
Project Update - June 20, 2018
A number of reports, including the recommended network plan for the Downtown All Ages and Abilities Cycling Network, were presented to City Council for information at a Special Governance and Priorities Committee on June 20, 2018. The Committee requested the Administration report back on a number of items outlined in the minutes. A copy of the report can be found here.
Bike Lane Demonstration Project - November 20, 2017
A report summarizing the Bike Lane Demonstration Project (23rd Street and 4th Avenue) and its evaluation was presented to City Council. A copy of the report can be found here.
When the Downtown Protected Bike Lane Demonstration (23rd Street and 4th Avenue) wrapped up in November 2017, City Council directed the Administration to report back on what a complete and connected downtown all ages and abilities (AAA) cycling network would look like in Saskatoon.
Connecting Millar Avenue
The City of Saskatoon is reviewing Millar Avenue (from 43rd Street to Marquis Drive) for the assessment, engagement, and design of walking and cycling facilities. As part of Saskatoon’s Active Transportation Plan’s (AT Plan) implementation strategy to have shelf-ready plans, the outcome of this project is to plan and design walking and cycling facilities, and does not include construction.
Visit the Connecting Millar Avenue public engagement page for more information.
Neighbourhood Bikeways Project
The City of Saskatoon is committed to promoting active transportation and providing transportation choices that are safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities year-round.
The Neighbourhood Bikeways Project identified measures to provide more travel choices and improve safety, accessibility and connectivity for each of the following streets:
- Dudley Street from Dawes Avenue to Spadina Crescent features a multi-use pathway between Dawes Avenue and Avenue P and an on-street bikeway with traffic calming between Avenue P and Saskatchewan Crescent. This design was approved in principle by City Council on December 21, 2020.
- 31st Street West Corridor design features an on-street bikeway with traffic calming. This design was approved in principle by City Council on January 25, 2021.
- 14th Street East Corridor from Saskatchewan Crescent to Cumberland Avenue features an on-street bikeway with traffic calming. This design was approved in principle by City Council on February 22, 2021.
- Victoria Avenue Corridor from 8th Street East to Taylor Street East features protected bike lanes and maintains on-street parking between 7th Street and Taylor Street. This design was approved in principle by City Council on April 26, 2021.
- 3rd Avenue Corridor from 25th Street East to 2nd Avenue North is still under development. The next phase of engagement for the 3rd Avenue Corridor will be part of the Connecting Downtown project.
Neighbourhood Bikeways and 30 km/h Speed Limits
City Council approved the Neighbourhood Bikeways 30 km/h Speed Limit Policy in December 2023 to increase the safety and comfort of people riding their bikes along neighbourhood bikeways in Saskatoon. Reduced 30 km/h speed limits will be implemented on neighbourhood bikeways in Saskatoon once the construction of any traffic calming elements for the street are installed.
Education and Awareness Campaign
Test your StreetSmarts about traffic safety and look out for each other out there on the road at Follow #StreetSmarts on Twitter and Facebook for the latest tips.
19th Street Corridor Review
The Active Transportation Plan identified both 19th Street and 20th Street as priorities for expansion of the bicycle network. City Council asked the Administration for an evaluation of all ages and abilities (AAA) cycling facilities on either 19th Street or 20th Street between Idylwyld Drive and Avenue H.
What has been done so far?
- An evaluation of cycling facilities on either 19th Street or 20th Street was conducted in 2017.
- Traffic analysis of 19th Street indicated that reducing the travel lanes on 19th Street from four lanes to two lanes can adequately accommodate the traffic demands, while having a positive impact on safety by narrowing the roadway and lowering motor vehicle speeds, while also decreasing the distance for pedestrians to cross.
- Meetings with stakeholders took place during the review process.
- A public open house was held June 20, 2017 at the Saskatoon Farmer's Market: Presentation Materials.
The evaluation recommends a AAA cycling facility be installed on 19th Street. Reducing the number of lanes provides traffic calming, adds on-street parking, and allows for the addition of a dedicated cycling facility.
What's Next?
The Administration will prepare a report to City Council recommending the installation of an AAA cycling facility on 19th Street, from Avenue A to Avenue H.
Connecting Victoria Avenue
The City of Saskatoon is reviewing Victoria Avenue (from Taylor Street to Ruth Street) for the assessment, engagement, and design of walking and cycling improvements. As part of Saskatoon’s Active Transportation Plan’s implementation strategy to have shelf-ready plans, the outcome of this project is to plan and design walking and cycling improvements and does not include construction.
West-Central Multi-Use Corridor (Safety Pathway)
The purpose of the West-Central Multi-Use Corridor project is to address safety and provide active transportation connections through Pleasant Hill, Riversdale and West Industrial neighbourhoods to the downtown with a multi-use pathway. A 3 kilometre multi-use pathway adjacent to the CP tracks from Idylwyld Drive to Avenue W South concept was approved by City Council in 2013.
Map of proposed West Central Multi-Use Corridor
The pathway from Idylwyld Drive to Avenue D South (with the exception of a 55-metre segment near Avenue B South) was completed as part of the 25th Street East Extension Project. The pathways between Avenue D South and 22nd Street West, and between Avenue D and Avenue F were completed in 2020. The pathways between 20th Street West and Avenue Q South were completed in 2023.