Yard & Garden
Yard & Garden Pests
Get updates on mosquito control in the city. Find out what to do about wasps and other pests on your property.
Public Space Gardening
Find the right kind of public garden space for you, and discover whether there are community gardens in your neighbourhood.
Garage and Yard Sales
A garage or yard sale means the sale of personal property which is conducted on a premises in a residential or institutional district.
Recreation Vehicles
A Recreational Vehicle (RV) may be parked almost anywhere on a residential property, including the front driveway, at all times of the year. Find out where you cannot park your RV too.
Residential Fences
Bylaws set out the regulations governing the height and location of fences built on residential properties.
Property Maintenance & Waste Management Appeals
Get information on appealing a Property Maintenance or Waste Management Order from the City.
Weed Control
To have an attractive and well cared for city, the City of Saskatoon must ensure property owners maintain their property to established standards. This is especially true in developing neighbourhoods.
Healthy Yards
Having a healthy yard and garden benefits you and your community. Find tips and tricks on gardening, lawn care, home composting, water conservation, and more.
Be Pesticide Free
There are many ways to create healthy, beautiful outdoor spaces without using pesticides.