Reading Your Meter
When a meter reading card is left in your mailbox, this means that we were unable to access your meter(s). You can assist us by reading your meters yourself and submitting a meter reading online, by mail (postage pre-paid) or by phone. If you are mailing your reading, please date and sign the self-read card. Make sure that your address and meter number are clearly marked and if you wish, you may add your account number from your Utility Statement.
You can leave a meter reading on our phone message system 24 hours a day, or call one of our Customer Service Representatives to have your meter reading questions answered Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
By reading your own meter(s), you can keep your account current and accurate between readings done by our meter readers. Although estimates are based on your account history, regular reads allow you to monitor your actual electric and water consumption.
Locating your meter
If you wish to read your meter(s) and are unable to locate them at your home or business, please contact a Customer Service Representative for meter location information.
Submit your meter read online
You may submit your meter reading through the Revenue Branch's online service.
Safe access to your meter
Electrical and water meters are owned by the City of Saskatoon; our meter readers and service technicians must be able to access your meter(s). You can help us by keeping the area around your meters free of obstacles. If you are finishing your basement, please leave room around your water meter for reading, repairs and routine replacement. When planting trees or shrubs near your electric meter or the scan pad for your water meter, please ensure that they will not obstruct the view of the meter. If you have a dog, post a sign on your property.