Zoning Districts
The City of Saskatoon is divided into zoning districts which determine how land may be developed. Each zoning district includes rules for the location and size of buildings, required parking, minimum landscaping requirements and other regulations.
Zoning Map
The interactive map displays zoning, address and legal parcel information for each Saskatoon property. Zoom into the map and click on the property you are interested in. Once you've selected your property, click on 'View Additional Details' to retrieve the property information.
Rezoning A Property
In the event that a planned building or construction does not fall within the land use designation, applications to amend the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw can be submitted for review. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Request a Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Zoning Bylaw
The Zoning Bylaw is a regulatory document that facilitates implementation of the City of Saskatoon's Official Community Plan. The Zoning Bylaw, was enacted in July 2009.
Development Portal
The Development Portal is a publicly-available tool that allows the public and development industry to see more detailed information regarding land use and servicing components. It is intended to let interested individuals perform their own research. Over time additional functionalities will be added to this resource.