Minor Variances
Applications and Fee Payments
New! As of January 31st ePermitting will be used for most zoning and development applications, including Minor Variance applications.
Please visit saskatoon.ca/business-development/building-development-construction for more information, including how to set up an account and quick user guides. If you already have an account you can login at saskatoon.ca/epermitting.
A minor variance is a variation not exceeding 25% of the Zoning Bylaw 8770 requirements for:
- the minimum required distance of a building from the site line; or,
- the minimum required distance of a building to any other building on the site.
In addition, where a change in use to a permitted or discretionary use of an existing building is proposed in an Established Neighbourhood, a minor variance may be granted for a variation not exceeding 25% of the Zoning Bylaw 8770 requirements of:
- the minimum site area;
- the minimum site width;
- the minimum site depth;
- regulations applicable to Parking and Loading Space requirements;
- site coverage; or,
- gross floor space ratio..
No minor variance shall be granted for a discretionary use, a discretionary form of development with a zoning agreement.
Requesting a Minor Variance
In order to apply a minor variance, please submit your application form online using saskatoon.ca/epermitting.
Minor Variance Process
Planning and Development Review
On receipt of an application for minor variance, the Development Officer may:
- approve the minor variance;
- approve the minor variance and impose terms and conditions on the approval; or
- refuse the minor variance.
Where the Development Officer imposes terms and conditions on an approval pursuant to Subsection (3), the terms and conditions shall be consistent with the general development standards in this Bylaw.
Decision Regarding a Minor Variance
The applicant and assessed owners of the adjacent properties will be notified in writing once a decision is rendered. The decision approving a minor variance, with or without terms and conditions, is not effective until 23 days from the date of notice if delivered by registered mail or 20 days from the date of notice, if delivered by personal service. If any assessed owner of an adjacent property objects to the approved minor variance prior to the effective date, the approval is revoked.
Where the assessed owners who have received a notice provide the Development Officer in writing that they do not object to the minor variance, the decision approving the minor variance takes effect on the day it is made.
Appeal Process
If an application for a minor variance is revoked, refused or approved with terms and conditions, the applicant may appeal to the Development Appeals Board within 30 days of the date of that notification.