Rental Information
There are many options available to rent Nutrien Playland at Kinsmen Park for your group or special event!
Weekday Daytime Rentals
Popular with school classes, kindergartens and daycares, book your day of play at the place where moments become memories. Nutrien Playland at Kinsmen Park Rides and Picnic Shelter are available for rentals.
Rides are available for group rentals for 55 minutes time slots between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. weekdays from May 12 to June 27, 2025. The cost is $166.5 per hour for 1 ride open at a time, $277.50 an hour for 2 rides open at a time and $388.50 an hour for all 3 rides open at a time.
Groups will receive wristbands to gain access to the rides during the booked time slot. There may be other groups in attendance during the rental session.
Applications received will be processed on a first come, first served basis.
To apply, fill out the application form and mail, email, or drop it off at:
Nutien Playland at Kinsmen Park
Allocations Office c/o Cosmo Civic Centre
3130 Laurier Drive, S7L 5J7
Please note no bookings will be taken at the ticket booth onsite.