Tax Instalment Payment Plan Service (TIPPS)
The Tax Instalment Payment Plan Service (TIPPS), allows property owners to pay their property tax bill in 12 monthly instalments by automatic withdrawal rather than a single annual payment.
TIPPS payments are made by automatic withdrawal and customers must make sure that funds are available in their deposit account on the first banking day each month.
Please note: TIPPS withdrawals may occur on or after the first banking day of the month as processing times vary at each financial institution.
TIPPS applications are accepted throughout the year but all tax arrears and any missed instalments from January 1 must be paid at the time of application.
TIPPS applications, cancellations and change of banking information may be mailed, faxed, scanned and emailed, or dropped off in person.
Complete a TIPPS application form and return it with a sample cheque marked "void" along with your initial payment (if applicable). Note: please check the appropriate box for New Application or Change of Information.
If you sell your property or wish to cancel TIPPS, please provide two weeks written notice.