Interactive Maps
This map provides the locations of schools, parks, leisure facilities, sports fields, points of interest, and parcels.
This map provides information that will help developers find commercial and residential building related information
Neighbourhood Maps
Looking for a street or the name of a park? This indexed street map makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. Neighbourhood names are clearly defined and finding your way to the nearest golf course is easy. This map is constantly updated whenever a change occurs and we have also added proposed street names to help you navigate around.
N eighbourhood Boundaries with 100 Block & Street Index (36x57)
N eighbourhood Boundaries with Major Streets (11x17)
Individual Neighbourhood Address Maps
Projected Growth Concept Plan
When different divisions from the City of Saskatoon come together to develop a Projected Growth Plan the map that was created shows how our city might look in the future. Proposed neighbourhoods and future roadways with their interchanges are clearly marked. Planned transit and new bridges are added to show how easy it will be to move around our city in the very near future. The map is purely conceptual and indicates proposed growth that may be subject to change.
P rojected Growth Concept Plan (52x36)
Zoning Map
This zoning map is part of the Official Zoning Bylaw and with that, all development within the City of Saskatoon is regulated for the health, safety and general welfare of its inhabitants. This map also allows us to visualize how the city is laid out in regards to how land is developed. Due to the scale of this map you may have to view our Zoning Address Maps (ZAM) for a more accurate map of your property.
C onsolidated Zoning Map (48x36)
Individual Neighbourhood Zoning Address Maps (ZAM)
Interactive Zoning Map
Official Community Plan Map
The Official Community Plan is the collective vision for Saskatoon as a prosperous prairie community. It provides both inspiration and direction, ensuring this vision is integrated into all aspects of planning, priority-setting and development. It connects the plans that shape the current and future direction of Saskatoon and speaks to the city’s physical, economic, environmental, social, and cultural development.
O fficial Community Plan Map (48x36)
Interactive Land Use Map
Miscellaneous Maps
2 024 Civic Election Map with Polls
B oundary Alteration & Historical Expansion
H eritage Properties
How to Order Maps
Map Description | Cost | PST (6%) | GST (5%) | Total |
1 - Neighbourhood Boundaries Map (57x36) | $18.02 | $1.08 | $0.90 | $20.00 |
2a - Projected Growth Concept Plan (52x36) | $18.02 | $1.08 | $0.90 | $20.00 |
2b - Projected Growth Concept Plan (17x11) | $2.50 | $0.15 | $0.13 | $2.78 |
3 - Consolidated Zoning Map (48x36) | $18.02 | $1.08 | $0.90 | $20.00 |
4 - OCP Map (Land Use) (48x36) | $18.02 | $1.08 | $0.90 | $20.00 |
5 - Boundary Alteration Map | $18.02 | $1.08 | $0.90 | $20.00 |
6 - 2024 Civic Election Map (48x36) | $18.02 | $1.08 | $0.90 | $20.00 |
Maps may be purchased by calling 306-975-2645. Pick up is located at the Customer Care Kiosk in the lobby of City Hall.
Shipping and Handling Charges: Charge is for full cost recovery. Minimum charges as follows:
Envelopes - $13.00 (maps will be folded)
Credit card is the only method of payment. Applicable taxes are added to the total cost of map and publication orders. The City of Saskatoon Community Services Department does not maintain personal or business charge accounts.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Custom Mapping
Custom maps may be ordered subject to availability of data and staff resources. Service charges for providing custom requests are based on industry standard rates. The service of providing custom maps relates to the time spent processing the maps, the media used, plotting charges and any shipping or handling.
Once you have decided what data you require you can contact us at 306-975-2645. A staff member will provide you with an estimate of the cost and expected time of completion . Please bear in mind that requests for custom maps must be incorporated into our ongoing work schedule.
The following rates apply to all custom map requests:
Labour Charge (if applicable), where a staff member is required to create a custom graphic or format, and/or manipulate spatial data in any way: $45.00/hour (minimum 1 hour).
Processing Charge (if applicable), where time is used to collect data and/or analyze statistics: $50.00/hour
Plotting (Large Format) Charge, where a hard copy of a line drawing or map is requested: Vector maps are $5.00 per linear foot and maps or images that contain full ink coverage are $9.00 per linear foot.