Zoning Bylaw
Repeal and Replace approved for Zoning Bylaw
At the September 25th Public Hearing of City Council, Council voted to repeal Bylaw No. 8770 - Zoning Bylaw, 2009 and replace it with Bylaw No. 9990 - Zoning Bylaw, 2024. This is now awaiting approval from the Government of Saskatchewan and this page will be updated at this time.
Digital Zoning Bylaw Now Available!
We are pleased to announce that the Digital Zoning Bylaw is now available at saskatoon.ca/digitalzoningbylaw. The online version of Bylaw No. 8770 – Zoning Bylaw, 2009, will make it easier to find information on specific areas of the city, through an easy-to-navigate interface as well as interactive maps.
The Zoning Bylaw is a regulatory document that facilitates implementation of the City of Saskatoon's Official Community Plan. All land in the City of Saskatoon is assigned a zoning district and subject to development standards associated with the zoning district. Parking, permitted uses, and setbacks are included in these regulations. In the event that a property owner wishes to change the use or form a building and the proposed changes do not fall within the applied zoning district or Official Community Plan land use designation, applications to amend the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw can be submitted for review. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Bylaw No. 8770, the Zoning Bylaw, was enacted in July 2009. Related inquiries and requests for confirmation can be directed to the Planning and Development Division.
Development Portal
The Development Portal is a publicly-available tool that allows the public and development industry to see more detailed information regarding land use and servicing components. It is intended to let interested individuals perform their own research. Over time additional functionalities will be added to this resource.