Affected area:
1209 to 1219 Broadway Avenue, odd addresses only; 612 to 640 7th Street East, even addresses only; 611 to 639 6th Street East, odd addresses only
Time of outage reported:
Estimated time for restored power:
- Power is expected to be restored by approximately 11:00 AM
Electrical crews are:
- Performing maintenance to electrical equipment
Reason(s) for outage:
- Planned outage
Messages for customers:
- We thank you for your patience as we work as quickly as possible to restore your power.
- If you have questions, comments or concerns please call SL&P at 306-975-2414.
- Follow the City on Twitter or sign up for Service Alerts at to receive the most up-to-date information about this power outage and other services throughout the City.
Neighbourhood affected:
Outage map:
To view current and planned power outages, visit the Saskatoon Light & Power Outage Map.