Western Hognose Snake

Common Name:
Western Hognose Snake
Scientific Name:
Heterodon nasicus
IUCN Status:
Least Concern
Risks: No major threats but suffer from habitat loss in some areas due to agro-industry.
Diet: Their diet is predominantly frogs, toads and small lizards.
Size: 40 to 50 cm
Weight: 80 to 500 g
Lifespan: Their lifespan is 9 to 20 years.
Fun Facts
- Males are considerably smaller than females.
- Can be found in Southern Canada, including Saskatchewan, through the United States to Northern Mexico.
- Instead of using biting as a self-defense mechanism, these snakes usually resort to playing dead.
- Western hognose snakes use their saliva to help break down toxins from toads making them one of the few species that can tolerate a toads' poison.
About Us
The Western Hognose Snake is located inside the Affinity Learning Centre.