Wapiti (Elk)

Common Name:
Wapiti (Elk)
Scientific Name:
Cervus canadensis
IUCN Status:
Least Concern
Risks: Elks are threatened by habitat loss.
Diet: Their diet consists of grass, seedlings, twigs, berries, bark, mushrooms, cattails and wildflowers.
Height: 1.5 m at shoulder and length of 2.1 m from nose to tail.
Weight: 320 to 330 kg
Lifespan: Their lifespan ranges from 10-13 years.
Fun Facts
- Elk are also known as Wapiti and are the second largest species of deer in the world.
- A male's antlers will grow as long as 1.8 m and can weigh as much as 18 kg.
- Elk spend most of their lives in family groups.