Turkmenian Markhor

Common Name:
Turkmenian Markhor
Scientific Name:
Capra falconeri
IUCN Status:
Near Threatened
Diet: Their diet consists of grass, leaves and shoots. During spring and summer, they graze and during winter they browse trees.
Height: 65 to 115 cm at the shoulder and 132 to 186 cm body length.
Weight: 32 to 110 kg
Lifespan: Their lifespan is 10-13 years in the wild and up to 19 years in zoos.
Fun Facts
- The markhor was once endangered due to overhunting for their horns and meat. Thanks to protective sanctuaries, their numbers have increased and are now classified as near threatened.
- Markhor corkscrew horns can grow over 160 cm (60 in). Their horns assist in digging and removing bark from trees.
- Markhor can jump over 240 cm (8 ft) in rocky terrain to reach higher altitudes.
- They have wide hooves allowing them to balance while climbing trees.
About Us
Our markhor is on the move! Moving animals to different habitats is just one way we provide enrichment for the animals in our care. Rotating animals to new spaces provides an opportunity for new smells, sights and sounds. This also allows time for regrowth in our habitats for animals to enjoy when they return.