Pygmy Goat

Common Name:
Pygmy Goat
Scientific Name:
Capra hircus
IUCN Status:
Not Listed
Diet: Their diet consists of pelleted food, hay, fruit and vegetables.
Height: 40 to 50 cm at the withers (ridge between the shoulder blades).
Weight: 25 to 40 kg
Lifespan: The lifespan of a pygmy goat is 10 to 15 years.
Fun Facts
- Pygmy goats are excellent climbers thanks to hair that grows between their hooves providing traction across smooth surfaces.
- Pygmy goats never shed their horns so you can determine their age by counting the growth rings. The more rings going up the top of the horn, the older the Pygmy goat.
- The pygmy goat is often reared for its milk. Goat milk products include soap, candles, butter, ice cream and cheese.
- Goats see purples, blues and greens best! They can also see oranges and yellows, but are dichromats meaning they are red-green colourblind and can't distinguish as well between those colors.
About Us
Rosie is one of our Pygmy Goats and she loves to climb and explore! Rosie is currently located next to the Small Mammal House and shares a habitat with the Babydoll Sheep.