Naked Mole Rat

Common Name:
Naked Mole Rat
Scientific Name:
Heterocephalus glaber
IUCN Status:
Least Concern
Risks: There are no immediate, major threats for naked mole-rats but habitat fragmentation can contribute to long term threat.
Diet: They primarily feed on very large tubers found deep underground.
Height: Body length up to 7.5 cm
Weight: 28 to 42 g
Lifespan: Their lifespan is 10-30 years in the wild, and up to 32 years in zoos.
Fun Facts
- A naked mole-rat’s incisors are located outside of their mouth when it is fully closed allowing them to dig without getting dirt into their mouth.
- Naked mole-rats can run both forward and backward through the maze of tunnels they dig.
- In the wild, naked mole-rats breed once a year. Gestation is about 70 days and a litters range from 3 to 12 pups but can be as large as 28.
- They are found exclusively in underground burrows in grassy, semi-arid regions of Eastern Africa.
About Us
The Naked Mole Rats are located on the 2nd Floor of the Small Mammal House. An accessible ramp is located outside the building, and stairs are available inside the building for access to the second floor.