Barn Owl

Common Name:
Barn Owl
Scientific Name:
Tyto alba
IUCN Status:
Least Concern
Risks: Loss of nesting habitats including old barns and silos and loss of foraging habitat.
Diet: Small mammals, especially rodents. They also eat birds, reptiles and insects.
Height: 100-125 cm.
Length: 32-40 cm.
Weight: 400 - 700 grams.
Fun Facts
- Barn Owls don't hoot the way most owls do; instead, they make a harsh scream that lasts about two seconds.
- Silent in fight due to soft, fringe-edged feathers that don't "swoosh" as they move.
- They have excellent vision and hearing for capturing prey at night.
- The barn owl is one of the most widely distributed birds in the world. It is found everywhere except polar and desert locations.
About Us
The barn owl will be enjoying its indoor habitat until warmer temperatures return in spring.