Active Transportation
The Active Transportation Plan helps provide more choices for moving around Saskatoon by addressing our community and infrastructure needs for cycling, walking and other modes of active transportation. The Active Transportation Plan was approved by City Council in June 2016.
Active Transportation Goals
Five supporting goals were developed as part of the Active Transportation Plan. These goals will guide the development of directions and actions that are both achievable and measurable.
- MORE walking and cycling
- SAFER walking and cycling
- More PLACES for walking and cycling
- Build a CULTURE for active transportation
- ENCOURAGE other forms of active transportation
Active Transportation Themes
The Active Transportation Plan includes six themes. Recommended directions and action items under each theme address a variety of identified strengths, opportunities, challenges and concerns regarding active transportation infrastructure, policies, standards and support programs.
Theme 1: Connectivity
Recommendations under Connectivity are aimed at establishing a complete, connected and convenient network of active transportation facilities throughout Saskatoon. The following directions were identified to improve Connectivity:
- Expand and Enhance the Sidewalk Network
- Expand and Enhance the Bicycle Network
- Address Physical Barriers
- Improve the Meewasin Trail and Other Pathways
- Enhance Opportunities for Other Forms of Active Transportation
Theme 2: Safety and Security
Safety and Security are important factors that influence whether people choose to walk, bike or use other forms of active transportation for moving around. People using active transportation are considered ‘vulnerable road users’, as they are subject to higher risk of injury from traffic collisions than people driving or riding transit. Personal safety concerns arising from insufficient lighting, visibility or poor design of public spaces can also deter people from using active transportation. The following directions were identified to improve Safety and Security:
- Improve Road Safety
- Improve Personal Safety
Theme 3: Convenience
Recommendations under Convenience focus on integrating transit, walking and cycling facilities, and providing amenities to make walking, cycling and other forms of active transportation more practical and convenient. The following directions were identified to improve Convenience:
- Provide Bicycle Parking and End-of-Trip Facilities
- Improve Connections to Transit
Theme 4: Land Use and Growth
Recommendations under Land Use and Growth are aimed at creating land use and development patterns that support moving around using active transportation. Land Use and Growth also ensures adequate infrastructure is provided in new neighbourhoods, infill areas and along growth corridors. The following directions were identified to improve Land Use and Growth:
- Enhance Streetscapes and Public Realm
- Enhance New Neighbourhood Connections
- Support Infill Development Considerations
Theme 5: Maintenance and Accessibility
To support and encourage active transportation, winter cities like Saskatoon need effective strategies for maintaining sidewalks, trails and bicycle infrastructure year-round. Active transportation facilities should also be universally accessible by all, including seniors, children and people with limited mobility. The following directions were identified to improve Maintenance and Accessibility:
- Maintain the Sidewalk and Pathway Network
- Maintain the Bicycle Network
- Provide Accessible Infrastructure
Theme 6: Education and Awareness
Increasing awareness, educating residents about sharing the road and providing wayfinding and information can encourage more people to use active transportation more often and build a culture for active transportation. Education and awareness can also enhance bylaw compliance among all road users. The following directions were identified to improve Education and Awareness:
- Enhance Wayfinding, Signage and Trip Planning
- Improve Education and Awareness
- Increase Marketing and Communications