Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks
The Spring/Summer Program application intake is now closed.
The Spring/Summer Program runs May 1st - October 31st. Deadline to apply is February 15th.
The Winter Program runs November 1st - March 31st. Deadline to apply is August 15th.
The purpose of the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks program is to enhance the enjoyment and usage of parks by providing opportunities for Seasonal Commercial Enterprise through sport, recreation and/or cultural events or opportunities. The objectives are to ensure the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise provides a complimentary service to the park users’ experience and to ensure it supports the creation, enhancement, or continuation of tourism opportunities.
A Seasonal Commercial Enterprise refers to any organization engaged in the sale of goods or services to consumers for a defined period of time. All Seasonal Commercial Enterprises must support sport, recreation, and/or cultural events or opportunities.
Applications are evaluated based on criteria outlined in the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks Policy No. C10-026. Once an application has been approved and all required documentation received by the City, a permit and business license will be issued by the City’s Planning and Development Department. Permit costs range from $600 (not-for-profit) to $1,800 (for profit) annually; the fee for a new business license is $125.
Why do I need a permit?
To address the increased volume of organized sport, recreation and cultural activities in city parks, an application process and guidelines have been established for individuals or groups who provide sport, recreation or cultural programming.
From May 1 to October 31 (spring program) and November 1 to March 31 (winter program) , individuals or groups looking to operate an enterprise in a City park require a permit. A permit grants approval to conduct business in a designated park, but does not grant exclusive rights to a specific park or time. Public access to parks must be maintained at all times.
What if I don't have a permit?
Any person or group operating without a permit is in violation of the Recreation Facilities and Park Usage Bylaw, 1998 #7767, Section 26. This violation is addressed in accordance with the City of Saskatoon's bylaw enforcement procedures.
How do I apply for a permit?
- Download the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise Application Form and Information Guide
- Submit your application form, along with the supporting documents:
- A comprehensive business plan (Outline Guidelines Appendix 2)
- A map of the preferred area in approved Eligible Areas of Operation
- Plan of proposed site improvements (if applicable)
- Visual rendering of any structures being built or brought into park space
Application packages can be submitted through email at or mailed to/dropped off at:
Seasonal Commercial Enterprise Program
Cosmo Civic Centre, Open Space Programming & Development
Recreation and Community Development Department
2nd Floor
3130 Laurier Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7L 5J7
Note: Applications must be received by February 15 (spring program) or August 15 (winter program). If the deadline falls on a Saturday/Sunday or Statutory Holiday, applications will be accepted until the following business day.
Upon submission, the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise Adjudication Committee will review applications and recommend the City’s approval to issue a permit. Evaluation is based on the criteria outlined in the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks Policy.
- Compatibility with the Policy Purpose and Objectives;
- Compatibility with current park programming;
- Integration of temporary structure into park setting;
- Vendor’s Business Plan;
- Vendor’s experience and qualifications;
- Need for product or service; and
- Uniqueness of proposal.
- Applicants will be notified of how their application was adjudicated 30 days following the application deadline.
- Successful applicants have until April 15 (spring program) or October 15 (winter program) to produce the following documents:
- Successfully apply and obtain a Commercial Business License.
- Proof of Liability Insurance with a minimum liability limit of $5,000,000 and name the City as an “Additional Insured” party
- Motorized Vehicle in Park Permit (if applicable)
- Building Permit (if applicable)
- The final permit will be issued once all the required documents from Step 5 are provided and the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks Permit fee has been paid.
Need help with your application and/or business plan? Download the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise Application Guide and FAQs.
Note: The Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks Permit applies only to operations in parks and does not regulate Seasonal Commercial Enterprises on private property, at special events, or festivals.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What dates and times can I operate?
The Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks spring operating season is May 1 to October 31. The winter operating season is November 1 to March 31.
The City does not regulate hours of operations, however, park usage is not permitted between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m.
How much does it cost to apply for a Seasonal Commercial Enterprise Permit?
To apply for a permit, there is no cost. However, if an applicant is successful, the permit fee to run a Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in a park is:
Type | Cost |
Commercial permit fee | $1800 |
Not-for-profit permit fee | $600 |
Note: Payment is due upon submission of approved application, copy of liability insurance, commercial business license (additional fees are required), motorized vehicle in park permit (if applicable) and building permit (if applicable).
Where are Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in Parks allowed to operate? Does the City assign designated locations?
Parks that allow for commercial recreation uses are: River Landing, Isinger Park, Friendship Park, Kiwanis Memorial Park and Mendel Site Park (Refer to Eligible Areas of Operation map).
The City does not assign designated locations within the park, you are responsible for submitting the proposed location for each year. The City has the right to approve or not approve any proposed locations based on programming compatibility.
Note: Your business is expected to operate in the approved location for the duration of the operating season.
What if someone is at my site when I arrive, what should I do?
Permit holders have the right to operate in approved location (permit must be present on-site). City of Saskatoon activities/programs and approved special events take precedence over Seasonal Commercial Enterprise. If such an event is in progress or booked on the space, the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise must move to an approved alternate location, or work with the event organizer to co-exist in the park space.
Are there any regulations with signage or furniture?
Yes. Temporary signs must be placed directly on or against the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise to avoid any obstruction. One sign is permitted per Seasonal Commercial Enterprise. All signs must comply with the Temporary Sign Bylaw #7491.
Am I allowed to build a temporary structure on-site for my Seasonal Commercial Enterprise?
Yes, you are allowed to build a structure to operate and/or store equipment for your Seasonal Commercial Enterprise in a Park. All temporary structures must be approved prior to construction. If a structure is over 10m2 (107 square feet) in size a Temporary Building Permit is required.
All questions regarding Building Permits should be directed to the Building Standards Division at (306) 975-2645.
Are Seasonal Commercial Enterprise responsible for their garbage and recycling?
Yes. Proper trash and recycling receptacles for customers and staff need to be provided. You are required to ensure that the space within a 6.0 metre radius of their operation is clean and litter free.
Is the City responsible for providing the Seasonal Commercial Enterprise with power and water sources?
No. The Seasonal Commercial Enterprise must supply its own power and water sources, if required. Generators are permitted providing that they do not cause a disturbance and operate within hours stipulated under the Noise Bylaw #8244.
Can I sell food or drinks?
No, the sale of food or drinks is not permitted. In the Downtown area, several food and drink opportunities currently exist, either within or adjacent to the parks; these include on-street mobile food trucks, food carts, and licensed concessions.