Discretionary Use
All property in the City of Saskatoon is assigned a zoning designation. Within each zoning designation, land uses can be permitted, prohibited, or discretionary. A Discretionary Use refers to a land use that is not automatically permitted under zoning regulations but may be allowed at the discretion of the approving authority. Prior to purchasing, developing, or using a property, you should contact Planning and Development to determine the appropriate Zoning Bylaw regulations:
- If your proposal is a permitted use, you may apply directly to the department for any applicable building permits or licenses/
- If your proposal is a discretionary use, you must obtain discretionary use approval before a development commences.
Discretionary Use Categories
- “Standard” discretionary use applications include the following land uses:
- Day Cares and Preschools
- Boarding Houses
- Community Centres (R and M Districts)
- Private Schools
- Converted Dwellings – Maximum 4 Dwelling Units
- Multiple-Unit Dwellings – Maximum 4 Dwelling Units
- Convents & Monasteries – Type I & II
- Hostel – Type I
- Special Needs Housing – Maximum 6 Dwelling Units
- Expansion of existing Residential Care Homes
- Live/Work Units – Maximum 4 Units
- Boarding and Breeding Kennels
- “Highly Complex” discretionary use applications include the following land uses:
- Alcohol Establishments - type I, II, and III
- New Retail Stores over 5,000 m2
- Steel Mills, Blast Furnaces and Smelters, Chemical Manufacturing and Petroleum Refineries in IH Districts.
- "Complex" discretionary use applications include all other land uses not listed above.
Applying for Discretionary Use Approval
When submitting a Discretionary Use application, the following documents are required:
- Application Fee - Using the categories above, the following fee is required:
Application Category Fee "Standard" Discretionary Use Application $2,900 "Complex" Discretionary Use Application $4,400 "Highly Complex" Discretionary Use Application $8,200 - Site Plan - A fully dimensioned, clearly labelled, high quality site plan that contains:
- the location and dimensions of all buildings, setbacks and property lines;
- the location and dimensions of all landscaping elements, sidewalks, driveways, parking and loading areas, including the number of parking spaces; and
- for new buildings or additions only, architectural plans showing building elevations are also required.
- Parking Plan - Parking and loading needs will be assessed during the review of the Discretionary Use and a minimum number of parking spaces may be required based on the proposed use, location, and parking plan which must provide information on:
- Designated Areas: Clearly label areas that will be designated for certain parking uses (employee spaces, visitor/guest spaces, flex spaces, accessible spaces, etc.) and indicate the number of stalls for each.
- Traffic Circulation: Describe how traffic will be circulated within the parking area. Include details on entry and exit points, one-way traffic lanes, and any measures that will be in place to mitigate traffic congestion.
- Additional Information: Please include any additional details in support of your parking plan. This may include information that is specific to a land use such as pick-up and drop-off, peak hours, etc.
- Application Details and Operation Plan - Provides details specific to the proposal as necessary. This may include:
- Summary of Land Uses: Provide a comprehensive summary of land uses for the site including both proposed and existing land uses that will continue to remain on site. Please identify specific units or locations where these uses will be operating. Please identify what the principal use (primary use) is proposed to be and outline land uses that may be accessory to that principal use. (Ex. Day care Centre vs. One-unit Dwelling with accessory Daycare Centre)
- Capacities: Provide information on site specific design capacities such as number of residents, daycare patrons, employees, etc.
- Services: Provide a brief description on the operations and services that may be provided at the location.
- Additional Information (Optional) - Include any additional information that may support the proposal. This could encompass community engagement/support, environmental impact assessments, safety measures, or any other relevant data that supports the proposal.
Application Process
Discretionary Use applications are overseen by the Planning and Development Division, Development Review Section. This process may take 4-6 months but may vary based on the complexity of the application. The complexity of an application can affect processing time, and processing begins only when a submission is deemed complete.
Discretionary Uses Considered by City Council:
- Pre-Application Meeting: You are encouraged to discuss your proposal with Development Review to identify any land use or site specific requirements. Staff can provide information on development standards, application process, and applicable fees.
- Submit Application: Complete and submit the application form including any supporting documentation and applicable fees. Applications can be submitted through saskatoon.ca/epermitting.
- Application Circulated to Internal City Departments: Once a submission is deemed complete, Development Review will circulate the proposed application to internal City Departments for comments and to determine if any requirements need to be addressed regarding the proposal.
- Public Engagement: The Development Review section will give notice of the discretionary use application by mail to assessed owners of property within approximately 150 metres of the subject site and to the local Community Association where the subject site is located.
- Public Information Meeting (As necessary): A Public Information Meeting may be held to provide residents an additional engagement opportunity to review detailed information on the proposal and provide an opportunity to ask questions and offer comments. City staff are in attendance to provide an overview of the Discretionary Use process, and the next steps following the meeting. The Applicant may be required to pay for costs associated with renting a venue.
- Report to Municipal Planning Commission (MPC): Development Review will submit a report to the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC). MPC is an advisory committee to City Council that examines matters pertaining to community planning and development in Saskatoon. MPC examines the proposal and provides a recommendation to City Council.
- Public Notice: If the applicant wishes to proceed, Community Services will give notice of the date, time, and place of a Public Hearing by ordinary mail to assessed property owners within approximately 150 metres of the subject site and to the local Community Association where the subject site is located. Community Services prepares on-site notification posters which must be placed on the site and must remain on the site until the application is considered by City Council.
- Public Hearing (at City Council): Discretionary Uses delegated to City Council are required to be considered as a Public Hearing. Members of the public may provide written comments for City Council to consider in their deliberations, or may address City Council in person at the hearing. The applicant is requested to attend to answer questions that City Council may have.
- Decision of City Council: City Council may deny, approve or approve the application subject to conditions.
- Building and Development Permits: If approved by City Council and the applicant decides to proceed with the project, final plans shall be submitted to the Community Services Department and application made for a development permit and building permit.
Discretionary Uses Considered by City Administration:
- Pre-Application Meeting: You are encouraged to discuss your proposal with Development Review to identify any land use or site specific requirements. Staff can provide information on development standards, application process, and applicable fees.
- Submit Application: Complete and submit the application form including any supporting documentation and applicable fees. Applications can be submitted through saskatoon.ca/epermitting.
- Application Circulated to Internal City Departments: Once a submission is deemed complete, Development Review will circulate the proposed application to internal City Departments for comments and to determine if any requirements need to be addressed regarding the proposal.
- Public Engagement: The Development Review section will give notice of the discretionary use application by mail to assessed owners of property within approximately 150 metres of the subject site and to the local Community Association where the subject site is located.
- Public Information Meeting (As necessary): A Public Information Meeting may be held to provide residents an additional engagement opportunity to review detailed information on the proposal and provide an opportunity to ask questions and offer comments. City staff are in attendance to provide an overview of the Discretionary Use process, and the next steps following the meeting. The Applicant may be required to pay for costs associated with renting a venue.
- Decision of City Administration: The Development Officer will consider the application along with any comments received and may approve the application, approve the application with conditions or reject the application. The applicant may, within 30 days from the date the decision was issued, apply to Council to review and confirm, or alter the decision.
- Building and Development Permits: If approved by City Council and the applicant decides to proceed with the project, final plans shall be submitted to the Community Services Department and application made for a development permit and building permit.