Pet Licensing
Purchase or Renew a Pet License
Purchase or Renew a Pet License
Pet licenses are valid for one year from the date of purchase and must be renewed annually. There is a base $250 fine for not licensing a dog or cat over 4 months old. Microchips are not licenses, however they can be tied to a valid pet license.
After you have purchased or renewed your pet license, please allow one business day for your valid license to show up in our system.
Owners are encouraged to link their pets' microchip information to their pet license. This can be done when purchasing a pet license online or by contacting Customer Service at 306-975-2400.
Reminder letters are sent one month prior to the a pet license expiring. For renewals, you will need the following information provided on your Pet License Renewal notice:
- Person ID Number
- License Tag Number
Purchase or renew your pet license online or in person at City Hall, the Saskatoon Animal Control Agency, the Saskatoon SPCA or any participating pet license vendor.
If you do not have your Pet License Renewal notice, or if you have any questions regarding the online payment option, please call Customer Service at 306-975-2400 or 1-800-667-9944, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
2025 Pet Licensing Fees
Dog | Cat | |
Spayed/Neutered | $36 | $22.50 |
Not Spayed or Neutered | $73.50 | $50 |
Juvenile (under 1 yr.) |
$36 | $22.50 |
Tag Replacement | $11 | $11 |
Pet License Benefits
- Pet identification
- Pet at Large (PAL) Perk
- Direct return home
- Safe shelter until owner is able to retrieve
- Dog Park access and support towards programming and development
- City-wide pet events
- Enforcement of Animal Control Bylaw and Dangerous Animal Bylaw
- Supports the Subsidized Spay and Neuter Program (SSNP)
- Dog Park Ambassador Groups to represent you in program development
Pet at Large (PAL) Perk
When Saskatoon Animal Control officers pick up an unlicensed dog or cat that is running at large, they are required to issue a $250 ticket to the owner. Pet owners who license their dog or cat can take advantage of a valuable benefit: the Pet-At-Large (PAL) Perk, which is like a “get out of jail free” provision redeemable once during the pet’s lifetime. When using the PAL Perk, owners do not have to pay the $100 at-large fine when their cat or dog is returned. Impound fees applied will also be waived.