News Releases
Saskatoon Fire - News Releases
Priority streets grading progresses and blown-in areas clear
February 1, 2022 - 10:39am
City and contractor crews are making good progress on grading priority streets in all areas of Saskatoon after Monday’s blizzard. Crews also addressed the major streets that were blown in with snow from high winds. All priority streets will be graded by Friday morning; check our map to see which streets are graded after a snow event.
With a cold weather warning in effect by Environment & Climate Change Canada, drivers and sidewalk users should use caution at high-risk locations such as busy intersections, bridges and overpasses. City staff are monitoring for icy locations and applying sand for traction where needed.
The City is making progress on removing the snow piled along priority 1 streets and were 70% complete when they were re-assigned to clean up Monday’s snow event. Snow removal work will restart on priority 1 streets and then onto priority 2 streets after snow event clean up has been completed.
City adopts new Strategic Plan, setting out vision for 2022-2025
February 1, 2022 - 9:18am
- Advance City Council's Priorities
- Deliver Excellence in Core Services and Operational Priorities
- Drive Corporate Transformational Change
City Council approved a new Strategic Plan for the City of Saskatoon at yesterday’s Council meeting (January 31, 2022). The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is a guiding document that sets direction and priorities for City Council and the Administration over the next four years.
Along with the Official Community Plan and the Multi-Year Business Plan and Budget, the Strategic Plan ensures City programs and services continue to address the changing needs of our community, while keeping within our financial means.
The City’s 2018-2021 Strategic Plan was retired in December 2021.
Mayor Charlie Clark says: “The foundation of the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is miyo-pimatisiwin (me-o-pi-ma-ti-si-win) which is a Cree phrase meaning 'the good life' for all residents. I believe this is a powerful common purpose to focus our efforts around. We are living in very dynamic times, and it is essential that we plan strategically to create the conditions for our citizens to live a good life here. I am proud of the work done by citizens, our staff, and my Council colleagues to bring this plan together and focus our work in the years ahead.”
City Manager Jeff Jorgenson says: “I’m proud of the work our Council and Administration have done in pulling together this vision for the City of Saskatoon over the next four years. The process, and the discussions and decisions that were a part of that, enabled us to land on one clear and powerful document that will be the focus for the work of thousands of City employees in the years ahead.”
What’s in the Plan
The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was developed using contributions from the public, Council, and City employees. The following three pillars underline the identified deliverables and the key actions to achieve them:
Certain elements of previous strategic plans remain relevant and are included in this new one, including the Vision, Mission, Values, Purpose and Strategic Goals.
Public Input
A draft version of the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was made available for public feedback between Oct. 27 and Nov. 10, 2021. Residents were invited to review the draft plan and provide input using a public survey. A summary on What We Heard was attached to the information report put before Council on Nov. 22, 2021.
What’s Next
In the weeks ahead, the City will be ensuring its various departmental business plans and employee work plans align with the Strategic Plan. This alignment will ensure Council and Administration are working toward the same outcomes and optimizing resources by focusing on the right initiatives at the right time.
The City’s newly approved 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is available at
Daily Road Report - February 2, 2022
February 1, 2022 - 3:00pm
*This report includes road restrictions on Priority 1 (high traffic, high speed) streets only.
(Material offloading)
Start: February 2, 9:00 a.m. End: February 2, 2:00 p.m.
(Transmission line install)
Start: February 2, 10:00 a.m. End: February 2, 3:00 p.m.
(Directional boring)
Start: January 31, 9:00 a.m. End: February 2, 3:00 p.m.
All restrictions will be lifted as indicated, weather permitting and barring any unforeseen circumstances.
For more information about current road restrictions and construction, visit
Claypool Drive reopens for full access Hampton Village
February 1, 2022 - 7:21am
Claypool Drive is open again for traffic in and out of Hampton Village neighbourhood after major snow drifting made it impassable on Monday afternoon. The City thanks residents for their patience.
City and contractor crews are working through priority streets with graders and plows to clear driving lanes, and loading out snow on streets that are blown in.
More information about the snow event clean-up will be provided in a separate PSA this afternoon.
Snow event clean-up ongoing after Monday’s blizzard
January 31, 2022 - 11:59pm
More than 5 centimetres of snow blew into Saskatoon on Monday night with major wind, causing snow drifts and restricting lanes in some areas. Drivers and those on sidewalks should use caution this morning on their commute.
Twenty-six City and contractor graders, four loaders and eight plows are out in full force grading priority streets and addressing problems with drifting on streets. Sidewalk clearing is ongoing on pathways, bridge walkways and adjacent to city facilities.
Crews worked through the night plowing Circle Drive, grading the main lanes of major streets, and addressing streets with heavy drifting. Sand is being applied to streets with icy conditions with a focus on busy intersections, bridge decks, and overpasses.
Claypool Drive is currently closed with barricades due to heavy drifting snow and stranded vehicles. People in Hampton Village neighbourhood should avoid Claypool Drive for their morning commute. An update will be issued when Claypool is open to traffic.
Please keep back when you see blue and amber flashing lights to let road equipment complete their pass.
Residents can report locations with heavy drifting that is making a street impassable by calling the Customer Care Center at 306-975-2476.
Additional information
With higher-than-average snowfalls so far this winter, the snow piles are getting big along all priority streets where graded snow is stored. Removal of these piles is ongoing; however, it will be on hold during this snow event clean-up work.
Learn more about priority street grading and other winter road maintenance at