Spring/Summer Leisure Guide available Monday, March 3; Program registration begins Sunday, March 16, 2025
The City of Saskatoon Leisure Guide is the community’s go-to source for sport, culture and recreation information in Saskatoon.
The Spring/Summer Leisure Guide will be available online at saskatoon.ca/leisureguide and on display at pick-up locations throughout Saskatoon beginning Monday, March 3. Guides can be picked up from any City leisure facility, Saskatoon public library or anywhere the StarPhoenix is sold. Visit saskatoon.ca/leisureguide for a complete list of pick-up locations.
Highlights of the Spring/Summer Leisure Guide (April 1 to August 31, 2025) include information on:
- Saskatoon’s civic Leisure Centres (Cosmo, Lakewood, and Lawson Civic Centres; Saskatoon Field House; and Shaw Centre);
- Lifesaving Society swim lessons at the Leisure Centres and outdoor pools;
- Drop-in and registered programs for children and youth, including free School Break Camps, Summer Play Programs and Youth Centres;
- The return of the discounted Summer Indoor LeisureCard and other seasonal admission products such as Bulk Tickets (10 pack) for outdoor pools;
- Opening dates for spray pads, paddling pools and outdoor pools;
- Lifeguard certification training opportunities;
- Rates for Holiday Park, Wildwood and Silverwood golf courses;
- Saskatoon’s best summer attractions: Nutrien Playland at Kinsmen Park and the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo.
For more information on the Spring/Summer Leisure Guide, visit saskatoon.ca/leisureguide.
Mark your calendars! Registration for Spring and Summer programs begins Sunday, March 16, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. by logging into to your account on leisureonline.saskatoon.ca or by calling 306-975-2800.
For more information on how to be prepared for registration, visit saskatoon.ca/register.