Second overnight warming location opens December 2
The warming location at St. Mary’s on Avenue O South will be open as of December 2, 2024. St. Mary’s will be operated by the Salvation Army and will be open overnight from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. every day of the week. This new location is in addition to the Saskatoon Indian and Métis Friendship Centre (SIMFC), which is open every day from 11:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.
On November 27, 2024, City Council approved a contribution of $200,000 in City funds to support the $1.2M Winter Navigation and Warming Centres capital project. The remaining $1M in funding was received from other levels of government, local community organizations and private contributions. The acquired funding will support:
- Evening warming centre operated by The Saskatoon Indian and Métis Friendship Centre located on Wall Street
- Overnight warming location for women operated by the Saskatoon Indian and Métis Friendship Centre located on Wall Street
- Overnight warming location for men at St. Mary’s Parish on 20th Street operated by the Salvation Army
- Additional overnight outreach services operated by Sawēyihtotān
“We are truly thankful to all our partners who have been actively engaged in a collaborative process and who have been instrumental in getting these two overnight warming locations operational,” says Pamela Goulden-McLeod, Director of Emergency Management Organization. “As temperatures drop, our priority is to provide a warm safe location for all residents during the winter. We recognize homelessness is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive community response and we remain committed to looking out for our most vulnerable residents and relatives.”
Additionally, there are many daytime warm-up locations available for those needing to find somewhere to get out of the cold weather. Posters with this information are printed and available through key partners in the community and an informational graphic is available on the Saskatoon Fire Department and City of Saskatoon social media channels for sharing.
For more information about the warming locations and the Saskatoon Winter Emergency Response Plan, visit