Saskatoon EMO addresses encampment concerns
The Saskatoon Fire Department (SFD) is aware of information circulating on social media over the past few days, which claims that the City has granted a permit for an encampment. This is false. The permit that was issued is a burn permit to hold a public smudge event.
SFD must clarify that the fire department or the City would never issue a permit for an encampment. Our experiences in other municipalities have shown that large encampments can create significant health and various safety risks. We have frequently responded to fires at encampments and it is our priority to find alternative solutions that provide viable and dignified options for those in need.
The City recognizes that homelessness is a complex issue requiring a comprehensive community response. The City is committed to actively engaging all partners in a collaborative process moving forward. Saskatoon EMO has activated an Internal Emergency Operations Centre with multiple City Departments to coordinate the internal response to homelessness in Saskatoon.
A report will be presented by Planning and Development and EMO to Council next week regarding Winter Navigation and Warming Centres this winter. This report will be public at the end of the day.
Furthermore, winter warming locations have been in operation since October and more opened last night.
Information about the Saskatoon Emergency Winter Response Plan is available at This includes the warming location poster.