P4G Planning District - Virtual engagement on the South East Concept Plan to take place August 29th – September 12th, 2022
The Rural Municipality (RM) of Corman Park and the City of Saskatoon (City) are inviting residents to participate in a virtual open house for the South East Concept Plan (SECP). The virtual open house will take place August 29th to September 12th through the website southeastconceptplan.ca.
The SECP will identify land uses, servicing, financing and phasing strategies that will enable development in a key area of the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) Planning District. The SECP study area includes lands that in the RM south of Saskatoon between Highways 11 and 16, as well as land within the Grasswood area west of Highway 11. Both future rural and urban growth areas are proposed for the study area, identifying where additional development is expected in the short term, interim and long term, as the region reaches a projected population of 1 million. The partnering municipalities are working with the consulting firm Urban Systems Ltd. to complete the planning, engagement and engineering work required for the SECP, and anticipate the project will be completed in the fall of 2022.
Urban Systems will host a virtual project update and provide the opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback as the project team finalizes their work. The purpose of this engagement is to provide an opportunity for landowners, rights holders, stakeholders and the public to review the draft SECP and provide their feedback. The following topics will be covered:
- Proposed land use concept and maps for the SECP;
- Proposed land use categories and descriptions for lands in the study area;
- Proposed servicing options being considered for the short term, interim and long term; and,
- An overview of financing and cost recovery approaches.
This is an important project for rights holders, landowners and stakeholders within the SECP study area. This virtual open house will provide access to project information and provide opportunity to gather feedback. on the project
To participate in the virtual open house please visit southeastconceptplan.ca. The open house will be available at that web address between August 29th and September 12, 2022.
If you are unable to participate in the virtual open house, please visit https://www.rmcormanpark.ca/318/South-East-Concept-Plan for more information on the South East Concept Plan.
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For more information please contact:
Samantha Krahn, Director of Governance and Legislation, RM of Corman Park
Lynne LaCroix, General Manager, Community Services, City of Saskatoon