City Administration recommends later shift to SK Recycles-led program in 2028
The City of Saskatoon received a formal offer from SK Recycles (formerly Multi-Material Stewardship Western) to transition to its new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) household recycling program. This follows the May 2024 approval of Household Packaging and Paper Stewardship Program Regulations by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment. As a result, the provincial stewardship agency, SK Recycles, will take over municipal recycling programs. A report to the April 1, 2025 meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services provides a detailed analysis of the options available to the City.
Due to a number of considerations, such as existing contractual requirements for blue carts and compost depots, City Administration recommends maintaining the status quo with no changes to both the curbside and multi-unit residential recycling programs until December 2027.
Looking to the future, Administration recommends signaling its intent to participate in the SK Recycles-led collection models for both programs, starting in January 2028, by making a formal written submission to SK Recycles. This option would allow time to transition the funding model for waste services that had previously been supported by SK Recycles funding; it is also expected to cause no disruption to the service level and would be the lowest cost. Residents will learn more about the service-provider change in the months leading up to the 2028 SK Recycles implementation.
By 2028, all Saskatchewan communities will transition to a full Extended Producer Responsibility program for household packaging and paper, joining the SK Recycles program.