Red Light Cameras
Red light cameras are installed at intersections as a safety measure to help to reduce the number of severe collisions and fatalities at recognized dangerous intersections throughout the city.
Drive Safe. Drive Smart. Stop at red lights!
Stopping at a red light is one of the easiest things to do to protect yourself and others from getting seriously injured or killed in an intersection collision. Stop on red and save a life - it may be your own!
A complete stop is required before making a right hand turn.
Coming to a complete stop before turning right, as required by law, ensures a driver has a clear picture of oncoming traffic and can confirm there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk before proceeding.
Red light cameras are operational at the following intersections:
- Preston Avenue and 8th Street
- Warman Road and 51st Street
- Avenue C and Circle Drive
- 33rd Street and Idylwyld Drive
Violation Notices
Violations include a notice number and a Personal Identification Number (PIN). You can use these numbers to access photos and video of the violation online at the following link:
If you do not have access to a computer you can schedule an in-person appointment to review the video. Please email or call us at 306-975-2836, Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and noon to make an appointment.
Where do I pay my red light ticket?
Payment can be mailed to the Provincial Court of Saskatchewan, Box 5030, Regina SK S4P 3T9 using the envelope that was issued to you in the mail. The ticket must be filled out as described.
You can pay the fine at through the Courts of Saskatchewan website.
In person
You can make payment in person at Saskatoon Provincial Court located at 220 19th Street East, Saskatoon.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are red light running collisions at intersections so dangerous?
Drivers who run red lights at signalized intersections run the risk of causing collisions especially right–angle and left turn opposite collisions which are more severe types of collisions and can result in serious injury or death.
Will I get a ticket if the lights turn red while I'm in the intersection?
No. The only way to receive a ticket is if your vehicle enters the intersection on a red light.
When did the cameras start?
The first set of red light cameras was implemented at the intersection of Circle Drive & Avenue C on October 19, 2005. Red light cameras were also implemented at two other locations – Preston Avenue & 8th Street and 51st Street & Warman Road in October 2008. After the expiration of these contracts, the cameras were replaced with new systems in November 2013. Red light cameras also became fully operational at the intersection of 33rd Street & Idylwyld Drive on November 20, 2013.
Are there signs?
Yes. Signs are installed on the approaches to the intersection where red light cameras are in operation.
How does the red light camera system work?
The system activates when motion is detected just prior to the crosswalk after the traffic signal has turned red. The cameras capture two images of an alleged violation, taken from the rear of the vehicle.
Image #1 - shows the vehicle at the white stop bar and the illuminated red light.
Image #2 - shows the violator in the middle of the intersection with the red light illuminated. The license plate image is a close-up from one of the images captured. Data, including the time, date and duration of the yellow and red lights, is also recorded.
Cameras also record a 12-second digital video of the violation, including six seconds prior to and six seconds after running the red light.
Camera images are sent electronically to a processing centre where specially trained personnel review them. If the processor identifies a violation, the images are then reviewed by a police officer with the Saskatoon Police Service. This officer will determine if a violation has taken place. If approved, the Violation Notice and Certificate of Offence (ticket) are mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle that ran the red light.
Do the cameras photograph every vehicle passing through the intersection?
No. The red light cameras target and capture on video only those vehicles entering the intersection after the light has turned red.
How much is the fine? What happens if I don’t pay it?
The fine for running a red light at an intersection with red light cameras is $230. A late charge of $60 is added if the fine isn’t paid within 30 days. The driver's license of the registered vehicle owner cannot be renewed until the fine and late payment charges are paid.
Will I receive points on my driving record for a red light camera violation?
No. Registered vehicle owners will not be charged with points against their driver’s license.
How have red light cameras affected driver behaviour in Saskatoon?
The installation of red light cameras helps drivers to be cautious and comply with traffic signal lights when at a signalized intersection. The fact that drivers know that the cameras are there and they will be fined if they fail to obey the traffic signal lights makes them extra cautious. This awareness helps to decrease the risk of accidents and injuries at intersections.
What data/program results lead you to believe that red light cameras are having a positive effect?
A 2018 review of the Red Light Camera Program showed an average 9 per cent reduction in injury and fatality rate at red light camera locations. The review also showed a significant reduction of 12 per cent in right-angle collisions (the most severe type). At the Preston Avenue and 8th Street intersection in particular, injury and fatality rates have been reduced by 25 per cent and right-angle collisions by 45 per cent.
The Red Light Camera Program is in use for safety and security of all. The collection of personal information through the recordings of the Red Light Camera Program is authorized under Section 24 of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any privacy questions about this program, contact the City Clerk's Office at (306) 975-3240 Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have any enforcement questions about this program, contact the Red Light Camera Enforcement Office at (306) 975-2836 or toll free 1-866-826-6992