Sutherland Memorial Hall
- Regular
Description of the Historic Place
Sutherland Memorial Hall is a one storey building located at 1112 Central Avenue in the neighbourhood of Sutherland. The Hall is considered to be reminiscent and symbolic of the original Sutherland community.
Heritage Value
The concept of a community hall for Sutherland arose from the movement toward the amalgamation of Sutherland with the City of Saskatoon. At the time of amalgamation in 1956, Sutherland decided to use utility and tax funds to construct a hall for the residents of the Sutherland community. Although the building and site was officially owned by the City of Saskatoon, the hall was leased to the Sutherland Memorial Hall Company for a nominal fee. The building was named Memorial Hall in honor of the citizens of the Town of Sutherland who had volunteered for active service in the Canadian Forces during World War II. At its official opening on May 26, 1958 a ribbon-cutting ceremony was performed by the hall’s architect, and City Planner, William Graham. Many dignitaries were in attendance, including Mayor Sid Buckwold and several hundred Sutherland residents.
The Sutherland Memorial Hall has seen many community uses throughout the years. It has been used by the Girl Guides, Beavers, Boy Scouts, the Sutherland Seniors, and by the Oddfellows. Numerous Community events including bingos, dances, weddings, and anniversaries have taken place here. It has also been the setting of various political rallies. Inside the building, a large decorative, handwritten plaque bears the names of those Sutherland residents who served in World War II; a total of 183 individuals served in the Army, Navy and Air Force. Of these, nine had been killed in action.
The Sutherland Memorial Hall continues to be a tangible reminder of Sutherland’s ties to its past.
Source: City of Saskatoon Built Heritage Database
Character Defining Elements
- Key elements which contribute to the heritage value of this historic resource include:
- Those features that represent its historical importance, including its form, mass and scale, its original location, and its decorative handwritten plaque.