Henry Lehrer House
- Regular
Description of the Historic Place
The Henry Lehrer House is a large two storey home at 1034 University Drive in the neighbourhood of Varsity View. Built in 1930, the home is located adjacent to the Walter Lock House and the Fred Delf House.
Heritage Value
The Henry Lehrer House is known for its Tudor style of architecture, which emphasizes high-pitched, gabled roofs and elaborate chimneys. Tudor homes had been popular in suburban areas during the 1920’s, making the Henry Lehrer House somewhat uncommon for its period of construction. The home features typical Tudor style characteristics, including a steeply pitched side-gabled roof with a prominent cross gable along the building’s facade. The home’s entry porch contains the original entry door and exposed rafter tails are visible on the eaves of the building’s main roof and dormers.
Original features of the home include the exposed clinker-brick fireplace chimney on the right side of the residence, and the arch-topped door in the entry porch. The exterior finishes and plate-glass windows are not original. Along with some of the other historic homes in the area, the Henry Lehrer House and its Tudor style design adds visual appeal to the neighbourhood of Varsity View.
Source: City of Saskatoon Built Heritage Database
Character Defining Elements
Key elements which contribute to the heritage value of this historic resource include:
- Its Tudor style of architecture, evident in: its steeply pitched roof, gables and clinker brick chimney; and
- Those features that relate to the building’s contribution to the streetscape and Varsity View Neighbourhood, including its location along University Drive and its original entry door.