Downtown Event & Entertainment District
City Council approves Downtown Event and Entertainment District funding strategy.
On August 28, 2024, Council approved a report outlining a funding strategy to continue to advance the Downtown Event and Entertainment District. The funding strategy does not require an increase to the property tax rate, rather it relies on a mix of funding sources, including public and private contributions, grants, user fees and other funding tools.
Key Insights and Frequently Asked Questions - Funding Strategy and Private Partner Agreement
Accommodation Municipal Scan
Visit the Resources page on the website for the full list of project reports and other information, including the most recent Cost Estimate report.
A vibrant downtown supports a strong economy, creates a sense of community and provides a place for people to come together, in addition to attracting more people to live Downtown.
To get a full picture of the possibilities, you can view the Conceptual Design Report here.
See all the renderings and find a link to a virtual reality experience on the Designing Reasons to Come and Connections to Get There page
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Developing and re-envisioning Downtown Saskatoon has been identified as a priority area in the City’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. A potential Downtown Event & Entertainment District will create a place for people and businesses to come together for the economic, cultural and social success of the city and surrounding area. Linked to the rest of the city by the future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, the vision for the Downtown Event & Entertainment District is that of a centre of commerce, tourism, services and entertainment. From major arena events, to shopping, restaurants, conventions, nightlife and a thriving business community, Downtown Saskatoon will become a destination with something for everyone.
A new Downtown event centre/arena, a new/enhanced convention centre, and the future BRT are the public infrastructure investments that will drive investments in other areas of the District, benefiting Saskatoon and Saskatchewan.
As we work together on this city-building project, we acknowledge our ancestors and future generations. We honour Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis, by sharing this land under Treaty with the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, Métis, Dene and Non-Indigenous peoples. We are all Treaty People.
Going forward, the City will work with people, businesses and other orders of government to develop an innovative funding plan that minimizes future property tax increases for the major infrastructure investments to support the development of the District.

Journey to the District - The Story So Far
The journey to the creation of a Downtown Event & Entertainment District started with the recognition of aging infrastructure and has evolved into a vision for an active, exciting and economically-vibrant Downtown - and the journey continues.
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Designing Reasons to Come & Connections to Get There
Together, an event centre/arena and convention centre will anchor the new Downtown Event & Entertainment District, while future Bus Rapid Transit routes will reliably get people to and from the area.
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Benefits to the District
A Downtown event centre/arena and new/enhanced convention centre, connected to the rest of the city with a Bus Rapid Transit system, will drive investment in Downtown Saskatoon and create significant economic benefits.
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Project Governance and Advisory Group
The Journey to the District is built upon collaboration. The governance structure is key to this by engaging stakeholders from across the community and working with a key set of Advisors through our Advisory Group.
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Downtown Saskatoon
The City Centre and District serve as the geographical and metaphorical Ohtennah, the “collective heart” of Saskatoon. What happens in the City Centre and District has a direct impact on the rest of the city.
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Information and resources including news releases, accessible documents, backgrounders, videos, FAQs and more.
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