What We Are Proposing
In order to provide the opportunity for more housing options, amendments to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw are being proposed, which would allow for secondary suites in a semi-detached dwelling. Secondary suites are currently only permitted in detached one-unit dwellings.
For semi-detached dwellings to have a second dwelling unit, the entire building would need to be converted to a multiple-unit dwelling. The proposed changes would allow for the second unit to be a secondary suite. The National Building Code (NBC) contains regulations for secondary suites that will adequately address regulations related to life safety.
What is a semi-detached unit?
A semi-detached dwelling:
- Is a building containing no more than two dwelling units on its own site, attached to another building containing no more than two dwelling units on its own site.
- Has a common wall dividing the liveable area of the two attached buildings being at least 40% of the length of the longest building containing the dwelling units, measured from the front to the rear building lines of the dwelling unit.
What are the amendments being proposed?
Official Community Plan Amendment
An amendment to Section G1.3 Infill Growth (8) (f) is required as the current provision only provides for a secondary suite accessory to a one-unit dwelling. This change will provide more flexibility in where secondary suites are permitted.
Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Section 5.3.23 provides regulations for secondary suites and currently only permits one to be developed in a detached one-unit dwelling. The City is proposing to amend this regulation to:
- Allow for a secondary suite in a semi-detached dwelling.
- To remove the regulation that a principal dwelling must have direct access to the mechanical room without having to access the secondary suite as this is covered by provincial legislation.
Will this impact the development standards or the look of a building?
The change will not impact the development standards for dwellings or the form of the building. The change will allow for one of the units in a semi-detached dwelling to be developed as a secondary suite rather than requiring the building to be converted to a multiple unit dwelling.
How are amendments typically made?
When an amendment application is received by Planning and Development, it is reviewed for conformity with other applicable City planning policies and development regulations. The application is also circulated to other City departments to review technical considerations.
Following the review of external feedback, Planning and Development prepares a report that includes a recommendation on the application and outlines information collected from the internal review and public engagement processes. The report is first considered by the Municipal Planning Commission, an advisory committee to City Council.
The final decision to approve or deny an amendment application rests with City Council, which considers the report and recommendation(s) at a Public Hearing. Any member of the public is welcome to provide a written submission or address City Council regarding the application at the Public Hearing.