This application was approved by City Council at their meeting on February 23, 2021.
Planning and Development has received an application from Arbutus Properties to amend the Rosewood Neighbourhood Concept Plan (Concept Plan) and rezone the sites shown on the maps below. The areas subject to the proposed amendment have also been outlined on the Concept Plan Amendment Area tab.
The subject parcels are currently undeveloped and designated Multi Family (Street Townhouse) in the Concept Plan, which intends to provide for the development of Street Townhouses. The sites along Rosewood Boulevard are currently zoned RMTN – Townhouse Residential District and the sites along Amisk Way are currently zoned FUD – Future Urban Development District (H).
To provide for the future development of one-unit dwellings on these sites instead of street townhouses, Arbutus Properties is proposing to re-designate the sites to Single Family on the Concept Plan and rezone to R1A – One-Unit Residential District and R1B – Small-Lot One-Unit Residential District. The Holding Symbol “H” would remain on parcels currently zoned FUD(H) along Amisk Way. The Concept Plan amendment would also provide for a rear lane to service future lots adjacent to Rosewood Boulevard East.
Both the R1A and R1B Districts would facilitate residential development in the form of detached one-unit dwellings. The primary difference between the R1A District and R1B District is that the R1B District provides for narrower lots and would not permit front-facing garages where a lane provides rear access.
Should this amendment be approved, homes fronting on this portion of Rosewood Boulevard East would have garages in the rear yard that would be accessed by the proposed lane.
Holding Symbol (H)
The Holding Symbol (H) is currently applied to parcels within the subject area that are adjacent to Amisk Way. The Holding Symbol (H) is proposed to remain following the zoning amendment. This provision is in place to prevent development from occurring on these parcels until adequate servicing for the subject area is established. A future rezoning would be required to remove the Holding Symbol.
Location Maps
Provide Feedback
Questions and comments on this proposal are invited at this time by contacting:
Anthony Wood, Planner
This application was approved by City Council at their meeting on February 23, 2021.