Thank you very much for providing your input on the design for Lions Century Park in Kensington!
Previous Engagement
Online Public Meetings
An initial online meeting was held on Monday, December 21 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the park development process and design possibilities for Lions Century Park with local residents and potential park users. The meeting included an opening presentation followed by a question and answer period. Attendees were directed to the online survey to provide their input.
A follow-up online meeting was held on Thursday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m. to present the concept design for the park that was informed by the input received in December 2020. City staff responded to questions from attendees.
Online Survey
An initial online survey was open from December 14 through December 31, 2020 to collect input from local residents on levels of interest for various amenities and features that could be put in the park. There were 215 responses to this survey. The input received helped inform the concept design for the park that was presented in February 2021.
A follow-up online feedback form was open from February 4 through February 18, 2021 to receive comments and suggestions from local residents on the concept design to consider prior to finalization. There were 25 responses received through the feedback form.