Welcome to the Downtown Zoning Review
This webpage provides information on proposed changes to:
- B6 - Downtown Commercial District (see Street Interface, Building Height and Form, and Adaptive Reuse tabs)
- MX2 - Downtown Warehouse Mixed Use District (see MX2 tab)
- Regulations for surface parking lots throughout Downtown, including in the B6 District, MX2 District, and M4 District (see Surface Parking tab)
The Heart of Saskatoon
Downtown is the geographical and metaphorical heart of Saskatoon. The Official Community Plan envisions it as a vibrant neighbourhood with the highest densities of residential and commercial development, and the primary location for office, retail, recreation, culture, and entertainment facilities.
Downtown has room to grow. Its essential place at the heart of a growing city is reflected in the Strategic Plan priority of Downtown Development and key initiatives that are underway to build a thriving and livable Downtown that is fit for the future.
Zoning has a role to play in unlocking Downtown's potential and supporting transformative growth.
Updating the B6 District
The Zoning Bylaw regulates how land is developed and used, the shape and form of buildings, and how they relate to our streets and public spaces. The B6 - Downtown Commercial District is the primary Downtown zoning district and includes most of its land area, as shown on the map below. It permits a broad range of land uses and building types in flexible, high-density forms.
The timing is right to comprehensively review and update the B6 District's regulations to reflect current building practices, emphasize flexibility while ensuring a high-quality built environment, align with strategic directions for the Downtown, and encourage development.
Downtown Event and Entertainment District
Some Downtown properties fall within the proposed Downtown Event and Entertainment District (DEED), as indicated in the map above. Planning for that project is actively underway, including consideration of a new zoning district for this area. Properties within the DEED area that are zoned B6 District today may be proposed to be rezoned to the new zoning district in future.
Watch for future updates, including proposed zoning changes related to the DEED project.
Updating the MX2 District
The MX2 - Downtown Warehouse Mixed Use District is the zoning district that covers the historic warehouse district. The character of the Warehouse District is its distinctive built form and unique street layout. The district functions as a mixed-use district with a focus on residential growth. The proposed changes aim to align the MX2 district with planned updates to the B6 district. The purpose of the MX2 district is to support a wide variety of compatible land uses including commercial, cultural, entertainment, residential, and neighborhood-serving retail.
To encourage more mid rise residential development, changes to the MX2 district are proposed. Retail limitations are proposed for smaller scale stores to serve a growing community. Street interface design regulations have been introduced, which are intended to align with the B6 regulations and promote a vibrant, inviting pedestrian-oriented public realm.
Past Reports
- Downtown Zoning Review - B6 District & Surface Parking Update - Information Report to Municipal Planning Commission (December 17, 2024)
- B6 - Downtown Commercial District Review - Project Update - Information Report to Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services (February 8, 2023)